


2 years, 7 months ago


Name: CopperLeaf 

Gender: Female 

Clan: (current) Riverclan / (previous) Shadowclan 

Rank: Warrior 

Mate: SageBerry 

Mother: WillowHail 

Father: OakBreeze 

Older Brother: SilverDawn 

Younger Brother: ThistlePine 


OakBreeze and WillowHail grew up together as apprentices and later on became mates, having their first litter Silverkit, Thistlekit, and Copperkit.
After the kits were born a darkness and thirst for power surged through OakBreeze causing him to grow violent, with rageful out bursts he would often physically abuse WillowHail, resulting in her loosing her right ear.

Unable to take the abuse anymore at the paws of her own mate, she ran and fled from Shadow clan, becoming a Rogue cat to escape. Due to how young they were, she was unable to take them, leaving her kits behind for OakBreeze to raise.

As time went on, OakBreeze found a new mate, a slender brown she cat who secretly felt scorn towards the three siblings, hating the fact that she had to share OakBreeze with them.
Behind OakBreeze’s back, the she-cat treated the three kits horribly.

Once they were finally apprentices, OakBreeze and Silverpaw broke out into a violent fight when Silverpaw stood up to OakBreeze’s abuse and resulted in OakBreeze’s banishment from the clan.

Moons went by, Thistlepaw and Copperpaw were finally made into warriors.
During a border patrol, CopperLeaf ran into her mother in the forest and thus was reunited.
After some convincing, CopperLeaf agreed to leave Shadow Clan and join along side her mother as Rogues.
Distant from those who she once called family. 

Living with her mother, CopperLeaf struggled harshly to the Rogue life.. Her mother having countless affairs with several other rogue Toms, one bad choice after another.
Having nowhere else to go, she endured the physical and emotional abuse she received from her mentally unstable mother. 

Till one day she met a Thunder Clan she-cat named SageBerry and befriended the friendly Warrior. Over time, the two she cats fell in love. Finally SageBerry begged CopperLeaf to leave the rogue life behind and live with her in Thunder clan. Without a second thought, she agreed.
After some fighting, she left with her beloved mate and joined Thunder clan.

Years later, during her first attended Clan Gathering, she once again met with her brothers and father.
Surprised to see that her two brothers were once again reunited and her father had a new mate who had a kit from a former mate. 

While her mother, still a rogue, created a new family with another Tom, who has 4 kits of his own.