


8 years, 9 months ago


Name: Allan

Gender: Male

Age: Adult 

Species: Cat/Maned Wolf/Squirrel hybrid -- Faun -- Human

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Associated with: 1316 

Personality: Allan is identified easiest by his generally easy-going personality. He likes to talk  and will talk to almost anybody about just about anything. He makes friends easily and gets along well with most people. He tends to remain calm and collected most of the time.

Occasionally a second half to his personality can show through, where he is much quieter and generally uninterested in socializing. He can very quickly switch from being a social butterfly to wanting to be left alone completely, with little to no warning.

He deeply values time alone as much as he does spending time with friends. He likes to connect with nature. 

Allan takes interest in a lot of things. He is very intrigued by sciences including chemistry and biology. He spends a fair amount of his free time doing research into fields he finds interesting and because of that has accumulated quite a bit of knowledge in many subjects. He can easily remove himself emotionally from situations and look at them in a strictly logical way.

He is ruled by logic.


Strengths: Allan is very thoughtful. He will try his best to advise his friends and loved ones when they are in need and usually thinks before he acts. He is very patient and not easy to anger. He communicates well and can easily express what he is feeling.

Weaknesses: Allan often cripples into self-destruction when he reaches his breaking point; he has a very addictive personality and often relapses into drug abuse, despite his attempts at recovery. He can quickly become distant or aloof and detached from other people, sometimes for extended periods of time. . 


Hobbies and likes: Allan likes to spend time outside with nature. He loves animals and plants and acquires energy by being alone with the earth. 

He loves music. He can spend hours listening to music. He also composes and writes his own tunes and he plays the piano often. He is a musician, and also a writer. He loves to read fantasy/scifi novels and the occasional psychological thriller (sorry R).

He enjoys drinking and using various mind-altering substances, usually prefers hypnotics and "downers"..

He collects things like stones, feathers, and bones.


Dislikes: arguing, destruction of nature, being controlled, ignorant people, people touching his stuff, spiders

(this design is subject to change)