Lawrec Reddel



2 years, 7 months ago


lawrec reddel


NAME: lawrec reddel
AGE: 13 sweeps/28 years
PRONOUNS: he/him



SPECIES: cobaltblooded troll
HEIGHT: 6 ft/183 cm
VOICE: howl pendragon

very lean, athletic build
absolutely atrocious haircut
scar on lip exposes a bit of his gums; more prominent when smiling
branding on his left shoulder
calloused, scarred hands

absolutely HATES shirts. you'll never catch him wearing one unless he absolutely has to
has PTSD and is schizoaffective
has the messiest room you will probably ever see
may or may not be heavily based on fanon interpretations of scp-106
partially deaf in one ear



why do pictures of you / come to me when i dream / in darkness


Lawrec’s life before everything was surprisingly normal. He was young and outgoing, talkative, and maybe even a little rambunctious. Despite his peculiar interests, he got along with most people surprisingly well, and was well-liked among his social circles. Sometimes Lawrec wishes he could go back to those days.

A lot of things have changed for Lawrec. It’s crazy how just a few years can ruin your life entirely. Entering his teen years, Lawrec received a draft into the military from the empire, and was forced to serve as a soldier for 2 sweeps. At his young age, he didn’t entirely understand what this encompassed. His nature helped him get along with his fellow troop members, and helped him cope with obstacles such as interplanetary travel and being removed from his state of comfort. Constant wear and tear such as this eventually deteriorated his attitude and mental state.

The battles were what really destroyed Lawrec, however. He’s seen unforgettable terrors that will forever live in the back of his mind. During his time he witnessed death, torture and destruction. People have died in his arms more times than he is comfortable with. Eventually he himself was seriously injured, and this along with the mental trauma inflicted upon him, Lawrec was made to return home.

Fortunately, Lawrec made a slow and steady recovery after his retirement from the military. But nothing could heal the wounds it left on his mind. Lawrec hasn’t ever felt the same as he used to. He’s lonely, he’s tired too often, he can never think entirely straight. He just feels lucky that he didn’t lose his sense of humor along the way.



  • soda
  • cigarettes
  • collecting glass bottles & bottle caps
  • fried eggs
  • his rifle


  • solitude
  • classical music
  • large, empty spaces
  • dust

Lawrec is someone who appears so average, yet is also shrouded in mystery. An obscure man who despite being so extroverted, hardly anyone knows too much about him. He always has a smile on his face, and it’s typically hard to read his intentions. Tattered from past struggles, he attempts to carry on as normal. Lawrec has a bold presence among others. While easily overlooked, his being is very foreboding, and it’s often easy to tell if he’s around. Of course, it’s easier to tell because he is rather outgoing, and enjoys talking to and acquainting others. Lawrec has an odd sense of humor and interests, and can tend to go on spiels about things that maybe aren’t so desirable in the moment. Many others might describe Lawrec as creepy or weird rather than friendly. Maybe it’s resting face–a grin that comes off as snide. Maybe it’s his skin–covered in scars that tell his story for him. Maybe it’s something else, something that he’s hiding.




Lawrec hasn’t had someone like Criqet in his life in a long time, and it’s easy to tell that he really cares about him. The way Criqet treats him makes him feel a genuine happiness, something that’s hard for Lawrec to come across nowadays. Lawrec can’t help but feel slightly disheartened when it comes to Criqet’s large social circle, but he doesn’t let it change the love and respect he has for her. Maybe he wouldn’t admit it out loud—he probably wouldn’t need to, his body language can be quite obvious at times—but he greatly enjoys when Criqet drags him along on their little errands. Lawrec would do anything for Criqet, he keeps her close to his heart and cherishes every second of her company. He feels like the relationship that they have is rare. Criqet is so unique to him, and he doesn’t want to risk losing them even once. He’d never dream of hurting Criqet.



Ahyaan is someone Lawrec is very interested in. It’s easy for him to tell that Ahyaan is intimidated by him, which only intrigues him more. It’s like Ahyaan has a 6th sense—that cat-like intuition of his—knows something that maybe even Lawrec doesn’t. Ahyaan’s fear of him doesn’t stop him from trying to talk to Ahyaan, though. Lawrec likes the extra challenge, he tries to pester Ahyaan whenever it’s possible, though half the time he doesn’t get a response, only a mean look. Lawrec’s determination knows no bounds when it comes to this man. He’s proud of the progress he’s made with Ahyaan, though. Actual brief conversations, the occasional sincere conversation, a simple “hi” or “goodbye.” Hell, he’s even hung out with Ahyaan after his shift. Much better than a glare across the room or nothing at all. Something is always better than nothing.



Lawrec is wary of Shigai, and Shigai is wary of Lawrec. The two have only crossed paths a few times, but it’s easy for each of them to tell how much the other dislikes him. Lawrec, of course, doesn't take this grudge seriously. Why should he? Every interaction with Shigai is typically one-sided banter, Lawrec making fun of and pestering Shigai. Much to Shigai’s discontent.

OINGO BOINGO - Whole Day Off