

Adopted (Lost dog):

Owner: Gasparluna844

Name: Ivan

ID: C-0047

Gender: Male

Phenotype: White flecked masked black and red tipped sable dun brindle cryptic merle with ticked pseudo piebald

Genotype: Ayat BB Ccch Dd Em+E Hh kbrDky Lwl Ma+m sisw Tt UU VV ZZ


Height: 26 in

Weight: 60 lbs

Equipment: None

Traits: Very Competitive (+5 to sports)

Theme song(s): (Wip)

Quick personality: Ivan is the hard-boiled cook of the household. He does not like others coming into his kitchen when he's working since he's "in the zone", much less when they ask to have a taste of what he's making or want to go get snacks, he always slaps their paws away, stating that they're "gonna ruin their appetite". No one dares to disobey him... Except Lupus, the big brute doesn't seem to care much for his self-preservation if it means that he gets food by the end of it, Ivan almost admires his dedication, if only the "line between courage and stupidity wasn't so small". He catches him every single time, his perseverance is endearing when it's... You know, not annoying the everloving biscuits out of Ivan, he's certainly said a few sour words to the larger dog, but for once it seems that he can actually understand that his smaller companion doesn't mean them, which he's glad about because even he feels intimidated by Lupus's size despite how goofy he is. He's quite patient and understanding if one of the others wants to cook alongside him, making sure to softly point out any mistakes that they've made and how to correct them in the future, the end result is still gonna be very tasty even with those "happy accidents". One-uping himself is one of the things he loves doing, a good challenge is a great way to get him motivated to do something and it's even better if it envolves making food, especially since he's got quite the competitive streak therefore he'll do anything to come out on top as the winner no matter what he's participating in.

Competition results:


-Best of opposite x1



-OTC1 (Passed)

-OTC2 (Passed)



-SAR1 (Passed)

-SAR2 (Passed) 

Breeding slots (1/5):

-November Breeding planned with Furrydogs12: 


SSS: Unknown
SSD: Unknown
SDS: Unknown
SDD: Unknown
SS: Unknown
SD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown

DSS: Unknown
DSD: Unknown
DDS: Unknown
DDD: Unknown
DS: Unknown
DD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown