Kiris's Comments

2nd Headshot is done!
(couldn't find the comment chain so putting this here)

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Ofc NP! Zer0 was really fun to draw!

and ty for this bean!

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May I claim? I’d absolutely love this bean! I’d put them in my story, they’d own a house on a cloud/mountain, they love to go flying, and save birds who need it, before releasing them, their house is surrounded by golden plants they tend to (like the ones they wear) they grow some of the plants in pots to sell and keep the rest. They own a giant garden with a bird sanctuary for their injured bird friends who are released once they’re at full health. They’d be friends with my other character who loves flying, and they’d go bird watching together (possibly I may make them a couple) and they’d care for the birds together, and if made a couple, live together! Their garden is full of birds, even outside of the sanctuary, them and their girlfriend protect all animals that fly, and even those on lands, they go on bird watching dates with their girlfriend and berry picking dates, they sell their plants beside their girlfriends berry shop!

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