Loveta {3675}



2 years, 7 months ago


“A dark shadow with glowing yellow eyes stood within the doorway, large and hulking before it stepped further inside, revealing the shadow to be that of The Beast itself. Gevudan walking over to look down at the pup as its parents looked to the creature in awe, the mother slow and tentatively revealing the pup. Gevudan giving a small intake of breath as he saw it and bending closer towards it, a smile coming to his features. "A beautiful little moon beam if I've ever seen one." he noted, gently scooping up the small pup into his massive hands and he smiled proudly towards it, its mother at first worried, but seeming to ease with such a smile. "It has been an age since I had have had one so small." he noted, remembering the joys he had felt at the arrival of his own children. Perhaps when this blasted war was all over...

Cutting his finger, he smeared the symbol of the moon upon the small pups forehead. "May the Moon always guide her, and the song of the wolf keep her safe and find joy in times of sorrow." He blessed lowly, pressing his forehead to the pups before handing it back. "I thank you." he told her parents. "You have given a good reminder of the reasons behind why one needs to fight so hard." he told them, leaving the home and melding into the night.” (Written by Hawk)