Venus Vanguard



2 years, 5 months ago


Venus is a young man, who in his teen years. Had a girlfriend who practically treated him like crap, she kissed another guy in front of him with total disregard for how he felt. He is usually described as an “Emo“, wearing black with long sleeves and black pants. His friend at the time who was pretty much his emotional support, (Halder) had encouraged him to confront his girlfriend at the time. She pretty much said “I don’t love you anymore anyway” and slammed the door in his face. Breaking up with him on the spot.

This hit Venus even harder than it did when she kissed the guy in front of him and sent him into a downward spiral. Halder was so angry with the girl, he went and straight up murdered her. To this day, Venus beats himself up about it and can‘t even look at Halder the same way anymore. He sees him as a murderer and hates himself that he could’ve just prevented her death.

⚠️Sensitive Topic! Self Harm and Severe Depression⚠️

Venus is very emotional and is severely depressed to the point, that he cuts himself pretty much all the time. Mainly cutting his arms, his arms from his shoulder to his wrist is covered in blue scars. He has a scar from hanging him self (successfully) but was revived. He hides it with his turtleneck sweater. He is scared to even have a intimate relationship, because he doesn’t want to go through what he had when he was younger again. Which ends up with him pushing anyone away that loves him, even his recent ex had left him because he was so toxic towards himself.