


8 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




December 15th || 24


5'11" || 162 lbs


Male || He/him/his


Demiromantic bisexual


Personality: Quiet | Nonchalant | Patient | Pushover | Distant | Well-mannered | Respectful


Some backstory:
When Lucian was about 13, he and his parents had gone on vacation to his father's secluded cottage in the countryside of France. His father was head of a large organization that often did shady business in the cover of night, so he was a very wanted man by rival organizations. Of course, he kept his shady business a secret to his family, and to keep them safe when things got too rough, he would take them to one of his many hideouts, covering them up as "vacation" spots. He was sure to have the locations of these spots to himself and his most trusted workers only. 
When the family arrived at the cottage, Lucian was free to roam the fields as his parents unpacked the car and set up things inside. He loved this area the most, something about the endless fields of flowers and long grass calmed him. Every time they'd visit he would pick flowers for his mother and make a huge boquet for her before returning. This time around, however, his mother would not be getting a boquet.
He heard gunshots and ran back to the cottage as fast as he could, but stopped behind a tree when he saw men in suits coming out of the small house, laughing as blood soaked through their clothes, guns in hands. Lucian made sure to stay quiet and out of sight until they left. 
He didn't know what to expect when he finally made his way back into the cottage, nor was he ever prepared for it. 
His father and mother had been killed in cold blood, their bodies gaping with bullet holes and their blood splattered over the walls and floor.

It had been a month and a half since then, and Lucian was losing himself. He wasn't feeling much of anything anymore, he felt numb to the bone, with the exception of his hunger. His stomach pained for food, but he had eaten everything they had brought. He had become desperate for food, hunting small rodents and eating plants, but it wasn't enough. Most of the time the rats would be too quick for him and the plants didn't taste too good, so he only ate a few a day. 
One night, the pain was too much and he cried and screamed, almost as much as he did when he saw his parents dead on the very floors he laid on. A bright flash of light stopped Lucian almost instantly from sobbing, and he stared in bewilderment at the figure who stood before him.
The figure was angelic, their features soft and eyes seemingly caring. They reached their hand out to Lucian, who was trembling in awe. They asked Lucian for a deal: they would provide food for him, as long as they could reside within his body for the remainder of his life. Lucian didn't give much thought to this, and almost intantly agreed. He didn't understand anything that was happening, but if he could finally eat, he would do it. He reached his hand out to the angel's and shook it, the next thing he knew he was falling back to the floor, hearing a deep cynical laugh below out of the figure before he became unconcious. 
When he awoke the next day, he found himself infront of the graves he dug for his mother and father, except their bodies had been dug out... and it looked like they had been torn apart, bite marks covering their limbs.
Lucian had finally noticed the pain in his stomach was gone, but his emotional pain had resurfaced.

After another week or so, one of his father's workers had finally found him. Lucian knew this man, he was one of the few close enough to his father to visit them quite often. He was almost like an uncle figure to Lucian, and he was awfully relieved when he saw him walk through the door. Lucian explained everything to him, even what he had done to his parents' bodies. The man, surprisingly, didn't look at Lucian like he was crazy or a monster, but instead took him back to the city to live with him. The man explained to Lucian that his father's company was being overrun by other organizations and that they were no longer safe there in France, so he decided that it would be best for them to move back to his home country, Japan. Lucian was hesitant but agreed, and he soon started a new life there.


More information:

  • His hair is not naturally pink, it was dark brown before he was possessed by the so called angel and slowly turned pink over the years
  • in the first few years of being possessed, he was unable to control/surpress the demon and would often be found sneaking out of his uncle's house to feast on people
    • this would get more and more frequent, until the demon had full power over him and left almost no trace of Lucian's personality
      • Lucian becomes cocky, loud, arrogant, sadistic and masochistic when the demon controls him
  • Lucian's uncle searched and found someone who possessed blessed items that have the power to surpress demons that overtake their host 
    • in this case, the item was a medical mask at first, then as lucian grew and became a hired hitman, he took a restraining mask, though he wears a medical mask in casual situations so he isn't stared at
    • the mask must be worn at all times, or else the demon overtakes him 
      • of course he can't have the mask on 24/7, he has to eat normal foods and drink, so he has to try and surpress it himself, which he has had some success in, though it's only for a short amount of time
    • the mask must be blessed often for it to work, or else it becomes too weak
    • though the mask stops the demon from taking control of lucian, it still has the ability to communicate with him and often does
  • He gained his combat skills from training with his uncle, who was a body guard for an executive in his father's organization
  • When he first arrived in Japan, he was of course stared at and left out of groups, though he didnt mind. He felt it was best to not make any friends 
    • When he makes it to high school, he has made some friends here and there, but still keeps them at a distance
    • in his second year he meets Makoto, Hiro and Kazuko
      • he felt like they were a good group and let himself become close to them, or at least as close as he let himself
  • through the years, Lucian and the demon form a sort of alliance through an agreement; lucian would become a hitman, getting rid of undesirables for gangs and crime organizations, allowing the demon to eat his victims, thus getting rid of evidence more efficiently and also not having the demon nag at him about letting it eat
    • he stays neutral to the gangs and organizations he works for, working for anyone who is willing to pay him, and this tends to anger them and often send other hitmen to kill him