


2 years, 7 months ago


✦ Basics

Name Willowghost
Age adult
Gender genderqueer
Pronouns all pronouns
Sexuality demiromantic, queer
Species Cat
✦ About

Willowghost is a blind medicine cat who is mostly defined by their boredom. They are intelligent, way too intelligent for their own good, and they quickly discover that they find normal clan-life to be the most dreadful thing to life through. So, together with Duskrose, Willowghost slips into the role of quite a villain. They start experimenting with poisons, which they always had a fascination with. They are delighted to find out new things, sadly, these things are usually quite horrific. But Willowghost finds them fascinating, and even more so, the reactions of others "more normal cats" to it. Willowghost isnt the centre of their and Duskroses villany, as they do not like to be, and are rather the one pulling the strings in the back, the mastermind, while Duskrose is the one enjoying to put on a good show. They are a dreadful duo, the two of them, and i love them with all my heart.

✦ Appearance

Willowghost is a androgynous, slightly chubby medicine cat with sharp fangs and claws and partially blind, dark amber eyes surrounded by long lashes. She's a long-haired, red and dark-lilac colored cat with leopard-like markings along their flanks. They have a white face, belly and paws and a dark, fluffy tail and mane. His ears have small white ear tufts, his whiskers are long and her built generally strong and broad.

✦ Likes
scent of rain
dark nights
✦ Dislikes
being the centre of attention
✦ Details












✦ Backstory

Sed rutrum purus sit amet malesuada ornare. Mauris bibendum consectetur diam sit amet hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec luctus et neque quis consequat. Maecenas rutrum neque purus, at molestie nisl finibus eget. Sed ac ullamcorper eros, suscipit tristique diam. Curabitur id ultricies lorem. Proin semper faucibus mauris, ac ultrices diam venenatis at. Nam iaculis cursus purus id auctor. Vestibulum pellentesque auctor eros, sed aliquet erat. Morbi non eros at metus lobortis tincidunt.

Quisque ut dolor dapibus, gravida eros ut, tempor libero. Sed rutrum vehicula nunc, quis vehicula justo pretium non. Sed et ultrices leo. Suspendisse felis nibh, sodales sed consequat ut, consectetur id leo. Phasellus suscipit porta libero ac mattis. Praesent in dolor sed dolor iaculis imperdiet laoreet vel enim. Aenean vel quam tempus, bibendum leo id, consequat lectus. Nam condimentum metus vitae facilisis pharetra.

Fusce consequat tellus sed justo feugiat faucibus. Aliquam a convallis nulla. Etiam lacinia dolor felis, ut semper orci ullamcorper vel. Cras sed finibus risus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce ac sapien at ex fermentum maximus. In mollis laoreet luctus. Duis vel elit ac mi aliquam vulputate. Vivamus varius volutpat urna at sollicitudin. Nullam aliquam neque nec tristique scelerisque.

✦ Relationships
Duskrose his best friend and partner-in-crime
Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
✦ Trivia
● They'd be a thunderclan medicine cat.
● Between him and Duskrose, Willows the smart one.
● She has a possibly concerning fascination with poison.
● Imagery/Ideas: ice, plants, poison, red berries, blood, sickness, dead flowers