

2 years, 7 months ago


Mr. Plastic


NAME: Lawrence Laurens
AGE: 34



SPECIES: Flesh/Stranger Avatar
HEIGHT: 6'5"
VOICE: Black GryphOn

-Plastic Surgeon at his own clinic called Prefect Plastic
-Traumatized his wife befoere they got together <3
-Hates mess especially messes caused by meat and flesh
-Body parts fall off from time to time
-Replaces parts of self when he sees them as dirty
-Has Abodyemigphobia


My existance is irreplaceable

Shatter the Flesh and Reinforce the Bone


Lawrence had a pretty successful life. He had good grades in school and had a good home life. He was able to become a Surgeon like him and his parents wanted. Nothing “odd” happened until a couple years into his career. One patient who needed a removal of their appendix came in. Everything seemed normal enough until the opening of the body. Lawrence was horrified to find the organs within the body were in the wrong places. The heart was where the stomach should be, the lungs fused together where the intestines should be, and the Eyeballs where the heart should be just to name a few. He panicked and tried calling for help from other staff ,but no one answered. He tried multiple times and failed. Lawrence paused for a moment and looked back at the body. Even though he had it opened and left there as he panicked, he noticed it was still functioning as if it wasn’t in the middle of operation. He even could hear it speak. It just kept mumbling “Doctor… Doctor, Am I pretty enough for you?”. As the body seemed to try and reach out Lawrence ran out the room and quit on the spot. When people asked he refused to state why he quit outside of saying “It was too messy there.”. After the event, Lawrence also started to clean a lot more. He would always go on about how things weren’t clean enough or that every little thing was a mess. This included himself. He would have at least 4 showers a day just to feel clean. Though he never felt clean. Whenever he would look in a mirror he felt dirty with all those wet messy organs inside of him. He hated it. Hated it so much. Lawrence tried to find another job to keep his mind off of this. One day he found out that he was qualified to be a plastic surgeon. He thought this was perfect. Not only could he still be a surgeon of some type, he could also not only help remove others' dirty organs ,but his own as well. Lawrence then opened a plastic surgery clinic named Perfect Plastic. Things on the surface were going great. The business was doing well and Lawrence was getting to do what he loved. Although behind the scenes, he was doing surgeries on himself. Slowly removing and replacing more and more of himself with plastic versions. As his flesh went, so did his humanity. Sephianne, his secretary, walked in and saw him remove the last of his flesh. She was horrified and the only reason she didn’t call the police was out of fear for her life and this job paid too well. After fully becoming plastic, Lawrence continued his work as normal only now also removing and replacing more parts than clients asked for without them knowing to make them clean in his eyes. He still hates the messes that can happen and has to clean them up quickly to calm himself down or get Sephianne to clean up the messes.



  • His WIfe
  • Plastic/Inorganic materials
  • Things being clean


  • Organs
  • Any meat or flesh
  • Blood

Very in your face and loud kind of person. He tends to give off the vibe of a show host more so than a doctor whihc can leave people uneasy. Though his moveements are stiff, he expresses himself wildy.



Sephianne Lauraens

His Secretary and his wife. Had accidently traumatized her when turning into an avatar. He keeps trying to get her to make her body plastic like him. Sephianne helps clean up the organs and blood he prefers not to touch after surgeries.


Alex Azule

Butcher next door to the clinic. At first was semi annoyed he was going through their trash to get organs ,but made a business deal. Alex takes the organs that they need gone so long as he makes sure it doesn't seem that he's getting it from them.

ミラクルミュージカル - THe Mind Electric