Basic Info

Full name

Renkuda Ahkito












Original post
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Full story:

Persistent | Naive | Unsure | Angered easily | Reserved | Loves affection

Renkuda, or Ren, is an only child and son of the Emperor and Empress Ahkito of the Sakozko Kingdom. He is the crown prince, and being so, is expected to reflect his parents’ reputation and regality. His entire life, he has never been permitted to leave the palace grounds, so all the knowledge he has of the outside world is learned only from his private tutors and the books in the vast library the palace houses.

Being raised in the upper courts, Ren has learned his place as a ruler, and will appear condescending and rude to lower class members, simply because that is the way he was taught. Many who have met him describe him as stuck-up and pompous. Ren gets annoyed when he can see that others think badly of him, and will insult them without thinking it completely through.

Even though he will openly speak his mind and isn't afraid to challenge most, Ren feels pressured by the large expectations that are set by his parents and the rest of the kingdom’s inhabitants. He doesn't do well under any kinds of stress, and that tends to give him a great deal of it. Other things cause him anxiety, including speaking/being in front of large crowds, talking to authorities, or most any major confrontation. When put under situations like this, he freezes up and can't speak.

Despite his extremely attractive and beautiful appearance, Ren doesn't truly believe that he is worthy of the amount of attention he is given, and often gets frustrated and angry with the repetitive everyday compliments from his servants and parents. He is unsure of himself as a person, and most of all a ruler. He doesn't see himself fit to be an emperor, and doesn't want to take on the huge responsibility that being the ruler of a kingdom requires.

The way that Ren feels loved is through touch and affection. He loves to be hugged and cuddled, but only under very particular circumstances and he has to want it. He won’t let people touch him unless they are close friends or family. More often than not, Ren doesn’t get the love he needs, especially with life in the palace being so fast-paced. He doesn’t have any true friends, and his parents are his only family, which limits his options of finding peace and comfort through others. Ren’s father’s personality clashes with the prince’s, his strict and committed attitude offsetting his son’s want for freedom. Ren’s mother is much more gentle and encouraging, and Ren has a close bond with her.

Because his parents are so often busy, Ren spends a lot of his time roaming the gardens and exploring the secluded areas to relieve pressure off his mind and calm himself from his stress.

Ren’s favorite place is a small hidden glen in the massive palace gardens; a single sakura tree surrounded by the tallest garden trees. The gardens are more like a forest, and covers over 10 acres of land, housing hundreds of different kinds of plants and animals. It’s a place of quiet and tranquility for him, and he goes there whenever he wants to get away from the world. He feels a special connection with nature and the plants and animals, and has become a friend to those that live in the gardens. The animals are friendly to him, and offer him much needed affection and comfort when his parents cannot. He relies heavily on nature as a whole, and feels at home when he’s around it. He has an exceptional liking for the lotus flower, whose beauty and past he feels he connects most with.


Renkuda Ahkito
Male | God of earth and life | Ancient (Physically 22)
Guardian of Seikatsu | Neutral Good

Renkuda was the former prince of the Sakozko kingdom, which is now known by its more modern name, Seikatsu. The previous goddess of life was fading due to her followers' lack of support and belief, and she ended up passing on her status as an immortal and her powers to Ren during an invasion on his homeland. Doing this, however, killed Kimeaka, and though Ren overcame the dark entities that attacked his home, the goddess had given up her life in order for it to be possible. Ren took over her duties as the guardian of his country and was promoted to the council after the other members had learned what had happened.

Elowyn and Constance were neutral about this change. Lucius was opposed to it, saying that a mortal had never and could never be a god and live up to the expectations put upon him. He treats the younger male with contempt and disrespect. Chariel does not hate Ren so to say, but he hates that Kimeaka's position was filled so quickly after her demise. He was close to her and seeing someone else in her place that has no idea of who she truly was is deeply disturbing to him. Ren gained Kimeakas consciousness along with the history of the entire world and everything she ever knew and remembered which only makes it harder for Chariel to be around him. The other god has reached the point where he absolutely refuses to talk, interact, or communicate in any way with Ren.

Even though Ren has acquired the goddess's knowledge, he still has attained his personality and continues to show signs of what the others consider to be 'mortality'. He feels pressured by the large expectations of taking on a burden so large and he doesn't do well under any kinds of stress. His self-esteem is also critically low. Major confrontation also causes him anxiety, but he has improved in most of these areas since his role adjustment.

The way that Ren feels loved is through touch and affection. He loves to be hugged and cuddled, but only under very particular circumstances and he has to want it. He won’t let people touch him unless they are close friends or family. Ren also constantly misses his parents who were killed during the attack, especially his mother. They were extremely close. Although he and his father weren't on the best terms, Ren feels guilty for his death and often berates himself for not being fast enough or strong enough to prevent it.

Ren spends a lot of his time roaming the forest and exploring the secluded areas to relieve pressure off his mind. He continues Kimeaka's work of keeping his forest sacred and protected for any and all of those who are looking for safety or shelter. He feels a special connection with nature and the plants and animals and has become a friend to all creatures in the forest. The animals are friendly to him, and offer him much needed affection and comfort. He relies heavily on nature as a whole and feels at home when he’s around it. He has an exceptional liking for the lotus flower, whose beauty and past he feels he connects most with; it being the symbol of renewal and rebirth and also being the trademark of Kimeaka.

Besides Chariel, Renkuda is Eiren's strongest ally. He understands how the child feels coming into a world where everything is expected to be perfect and is the one that can most closely relate to him. Ren becomes an advocate on his behalf, being able to influence others more than Eiren can do himself. He has to be careful though; his status as a god and the respect the others have for him is fragile and could potentially be put in danger were he to overstep boundaries and trespass in areas and situations he is not deemed worthy of being a part of.