


2 years, 7 months ago


• Longsighted, however he wears contacts

• Pansexual

• Legally dead. When he was 14, his house caught on fire, upon not leaving the house the same way as his family, he was declared dead and decided to role with it.

• Hilariously nihilistic but with a side of hedonism. “The world sucks there’s no point we’re all gonna die lol I should just do what I want and not give a shit abt other people’s opinions bc nothing matters anyways”

• Once tried to paint his nails with the stuff inside a glowstick

• He would wear those oddly specific shirts that dont even apply to him

• Has a fascination with glow in the dark stuff?

• "I discovered at a very early age that if I talk long enough, I can make anything right or wrong. So either I'm God or truth is relative. In either case, booyah!" is what he thinks he's like, but he's just not

• He’d buy a pack of those glow in the dark stars and wear those for funsies

• He listens to Arctic Monkeys religiously

• He eats erasers just to make people uncomfortable

• Fake laughs and it’s very villain like and loud and booming

• Reflex: covers mouth like a dainty lady when yawning

• Ambidextrous, can barely write though

• DOB : 06/11/1978

• He walks on tip-toes

• He will try to kick people while still on tiptoes just to flex on ppl with bad balance

• He falls tho lol

• Still does it every time tho

• He acts like he's still a teen but he's old and complains about his back pain after doing said dumb shit

• The kind of guy to just automatically stick his foot out to trip someone because he thinks it's comedy gold 

• Gets injured from this a lot

• He stuck his foot out once and the person walking past's foot accidentally hooked on his and they both fell

• Party guy, always goes to them

• Might be in love with his best friend a little just a little

• Has matching rings with Mark

• Lives with Mark

• ESTP-A 9w8