Nava's Comments

I could offer $50 USD and a headshot for this lady?

Hi I will gladly accept this, thank you! <3 if you could send the money to:

[email protected] 

Through goods and services with no address needed checked 

As for the headshot feel free to pick anyone in this tag:

Can I be pinged for!

Yep of course! ^_^

This user is not visible to guests.

Ofc!! <3

This user is not visible to guests.

How much!! 

Ah gosh they're pending now, I'm so sorry! <3

Are you taking offers on this character

Yes! I currently am <3

VHScreams I’ll buy them for the $50!

May I purchase for $50? And by any chance do you take Kofi?

This user is not visible to guests.

Damn. My PayPal is all fucked up and I can only send thru Ko-fi!