Sofya Kovachi



2 years, 6 months ago


Little Fang Avey Tare
Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up) Florence + The Machine
Not the Ghost The Crane Wives

Sofya Kovachi

Careful • Friendly • Nervous


At first glance, Sofya appears to be a young elven woman, although the porcelian mask she wears to conceal her face makes it hard to pinpoint her exact age. The beautifully made mask copies her every expression, which comes off as rather unsettling. She has a petite frame and dark beige skin. Her eyes are colored a deep red, and if closely examined, it looks as if she is lifeless. She has long, curly black hair and slightly pointed ears.

She wears a long black dress that stops a few inches above her ankles. Around her waist is a corset that is laced with white string. Loosely hanging on her shoulders is a cape designed to resemble white butterfly wings. She has platformed black combat boots that add an inch to her height. Around her neck is a black choker.

I am all in a sea of wonders. I doubt; I fear; I think strange things, which I dare not confess to my own soul.


10 Hammer
Sign of the Raven
Lesbian / Asexual
Dhampir / Dusk-Elf (Half)
Blood type
Phantom Rogue
Neutral Good
Haunted One
Sympathetic Attitude
Left dominant hand
The Sun Tarot
The Innocent Archetype
Rabbit Spirit animal
Ravenloft: Domains of Dread Campagin


extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
deceptive sincere
unjust fair
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
cooperative lone wolf


  • Compassionate
  • Forgiving
  • Understanding
  • Confidential
  • Self-conscious
  • Unaggressive
  • Cautious
  • Anxious
  • Naive


Food Beef Stew
Drink Apple Juice
Scent Pumpkins
Color Sunflower Yellow
Flower Sunflowers
Season Fall
Time of day Evening
Clothing item Her Mask
Genre Fiction
Music Folk


Quirks & habits

There are a few noticeable habits that others can see. She tends to pace around, unable to stand in one place for too long. She also seems to enjoy reading while pacing around. She fidgets with her hands a lot, often either wringing them or rubbing her thumb against her knuckles. While alone in her room, she sings softly to herself, but she seems to only do this when she thinks no one else is around to listen.

Communication skills

She isn't the best with communication, often unsure of how to properly speak with others and coming off as rather awkward. She also tends to get rather nervous about saying the wrong things, but if she ever sees anyone who seems down or needs help, she does not hesitate to lend a hand. If she is with people she is comfortable with, she tends to be able to open up more and have a more playful personality. Though there is still much hesitation, it seems she is slightly more likely to open up.

Showing affection

Though it doesn't seem like it, she is a fan of affection. She was shown endless love and affection growing up and enjoys showing others simple forms of affection herself. This is usually in the form of gift-giving or acts of service, but on rare occasions she will offer hugs, though she is rather hesitant about this. She is not so familiar with receiving any form of affection from someone other than her mother, and if given affection, she would be rather confused, but depending on the situation, it would usually be welcomed.


  • Rain
  • Baking
  • Writing
  • Insects
  • Puzzles
  • Stuffed animals


  • Crowds
  • Loud noises
  • Mess
  • Fighting
  • Blood
  • Alcohol


  • Small Confined Spaces
  • The Ocean
  • Heights
  • Death
  • Being Alone
  • Failure


  • Bird watching
  • Gardening
  • Learning to play the flute
  • Singing
  • Reading
  • Journaling

Design notes

  • Her fangs peek faintly out of her mouth and rest on the top of her bottom lip.
  • Her mask copies her every expression.
  • She has a burn scar on her upper left shoulder.
  • She has longer, sharper nails, always painted black.
  • She has two earrings on both ears, both right next to each other. They are just normal golden studs, one bigger than the other.
designer: Myself
worth: xx$


Caput mortuum #612B1D


Jet #38373F
Raisin black #1E1E23


Persian orange #D0895D


Burnt umber #7E3229
Black #000000
Golden brown #98631A


  • Fayina was pregnant with Sofya while living in Barovia. She was originally going to stay, but after being convinced by a friend, she decided to flee the domain.
  • While trying to leave Barovia, Faynia was bit by a vampire.

Sofya was born in Faerun, specifically in the misty forest. When she was born, her mother Fayina knew something was wrong after seeing her daughter's crimson-red eyes looking at her. By the time Sofya was a toddler, Fayina knew her daughter was vampiric in nature. Sofya, however, was a happy and gentle child filled with curiosity and a high imagination, seemingly unaware of the curse that plagued her.

She was raised in this small cottage, living a quiet life, accompanying her mother around the house and sitting outside with her in the evening once the sun had settled. Fayina homeschooled Sofya, teaching her basic knowledge. She was a rather smart toddler, able to pick up her ABCs rather quickly, and was most keen on reading. Although Fayina was constantly worried about her daughter's vampiric nature, things seemed to be perfect.


  • Fayina had ordered a custom porcelain mask for Sofya that would match her every expression while worn.
  • Around this time, Fayina had painted a portrait of herself and Sofya to send to her husband. Passing the painting along to a friend in the vistani to deliver to him so that he may see what his daughter looks like.

As Sofya grew older, her ability to control her vampiric urges grew harder and harder, eventually becoming uncontrollable when she reached her teens. Eventually, her mother had to travel to the local town and purchase animal blood to help Sofya with her urges. During this time, she suffered a lot of grief over all that she could not do. She could not feel the warmth of the sun; she could not see her reflection; her body constantly felt cold to the touch; and even worse, she could feel her fangs resting gently against the top of her bottom lip. She refused to travel, knowing that anyone who would see her would regard her as a monster. Even as she struggled, her mother was constantly by her side, trying to find ways to help her daughter be more comfortable in her body.

Sofya started wearing the porcelian mask that her mother had gifted her and finally felt comfortable enough to start accompanying her mother out, and she felt safe in her mask despite the weird stares and glances she would get. Sofya continued to try her hardest to find ways to control her urges for blood but never seemed to be able to find a way to harness her vampiric abilities and urges, instead trying to bury them away, which only caused them to fester and worsen.


  • Sofya would sing softly to her mother to bring comfort to her while she was bedbound.

As she grew older, she tended to keep to herself, politely declining invitations to go to town with her mother. Though she was more closed off, she still made time to spend time with her mother, do chores around the house for her, and tend to the garden. She has developed severe anxiety and an antisocial personality when it comes to strangers, though she wishes for the ability to form friendships. Despite her growing issues, she and her mother continue to live a rather peaceful life, but as the years went by and her mother grew older, Sofya stayed the same, looking as if she were still in her twenties despite being in her fifties.

Her mother wasn't able to do much, especially at her older age, and Sofya did all she could to help take care of her mother and make sure she was comfortable, but despite all this, she was not able to get rid of the deathly illness that plagued her mother. As her mother lay on her deathbed, she turned to Sofya, requesting one thing of her: her wish was to be cremated and brought back to the domain of Barovia. She told Sofya to seek out her father and spread her ashes at Yester Hill. Sofya was not able to get anymore information from her mother as she grew too weak to talk and eventually passed away a few days later. Sofya did as her mother wished, creamating her and carefully placing her ashes in a tightly bound leather pouch. She gave herself no time to grieve her mother's passing, instead leaving her home and trying to find Barovia so that she could fulfill her mother's wish.


Attack Defence Speed Protection Magic Support


  • Running Water
  • Sunlight
  • Low Strength
Tactic Stab and Dash
Attitude Hesitant
Distance Close / Ranged
Weapon Rapier

Skills & abilities

Unholy Resilience


Shadows wrap around you like a suit of miasma, sheltering you from the very darkness you consist of. You gain resistance to necrotic damage.

Night Owl


Your inability to rise with the sun forces you to sulk with the moon. Understandably, you've grown accustomed to the dark of night. You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.

Wails from the Grave


As you nudge someone closer to the grave, you can channel the power of death to harm someone else as well. Immediately after you deal your Sneak Attack damage to a creature on your turn, you can target a second creature that you can see within 30 feet of the first creature. Roll half the number of Sneak Attack dice for your level (round up), and the second creature takes necrotic damage equal to the roll’s total, as wails of the dead sound around them for a moment.

• Father Figure •

Sofya has grown close to Adler, trusting him more than the others. She is very protective of him, constantly making sure he is okay and always having his back, especially during combat. He is the only one in the party who knows of her vampiric nature, as well as the only one who has ever seen her face. She enjoys spending as much time as she can with Adler as well as observing him do his work.

Although she is fond of Adler, she is also very hesitant to get too close to him in fear of harming him after trying to attack him twice during frenzied episodes. She is grateful for his help in finding ways to help tame her cravings without having to harm anyone or anything.

• relationship •

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

• relationship •

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.