Almay's Comments

Damn loves thissss

you want it? <] (It's free anyway)

Yes tyyy


Enjoy! <]

faved :3

favourites both characters. think he'd(?) make a good and fun npc (for like, roleplay and stuff), but also has a design that can be thrown into a lot of my settings so he could get plenty of use falling under different niches in different stories, like he could man the ship's guns on a sci-fi starship, or he can be some sorta sorcerer or rogue in a more fantasy setting, or a seamster in medieval or victorian, maybe a sword fighter in a game/rp that requires someone to train another person in swords, or a character/player to have a rival under the same mentor/teacher. quite a bit of potential in this lad.

could also be a glow in the dark night light lad that feels demeaned that thats what his life has devolved to, like, nightlight for a prince/princess or something, could be funny. i like giving characters a set personality and then working them into multiple different settings to see what happens with them.

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do you see anyone in my random stuff folder?

Ack sorry just realized you got them free, would a placeholder for a WTA be allowed?