


2 years, 5 months ago


6 moons
He / Him
positive . neutral . negative

bold. italised. underlined. strikeout. link.

A quote here, if you like.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.


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As the leaves began to turn beautiful colours of red, orange, and yellow, a pair of twins were born. “Double-trouble” they certainly were, from a young age causing mischief wherever they went. One of their favourite pranks being that Stoatkit would go up to a warrior saying she saw something moving in the freshkill pile. As the poor unsuspecting soul went to go inspect the source, Ferretkit would jump out and scare them.

Stoatkit was always the evil schemer, coming up with different ideas for Ferretkit to do in order to cause chaos within the clan. The two kits got in trouble on the regular, but they never learned their lesson.

Soon enough, their mother Minkrunner had enough and refused to let them out of her sight, making her mate, Lichenpelt, watch them when she needed a break. Though, Lichenpelt wasn’t that observant and the two would often find ways to slip away to cause more trouble.


Apprentice Ceremony - Early Newleaf, March 2020:

Finally, the long awaited ceremony had arrived. The two kits nearly started wrestling on the way towards the front of the crowd if not for their mother’s threat right after cleaning their fur. He was nearly vibrating with excitement after hearing Rainstar address him as “Ferretpaw” for the first time. He couldn’t help the tip of his tail from twitching due to the overwhelming energy he was desperately trying to keep in. The newly apprenticed tabby whipped his head to look at his twin sister with a wide grin, which to no surprise, she was doing the same back.

Ferretpaw wasn’t paying attention to the leader’s speech until the name “Brightaura” was called. His bright yellow eyes flicked to the crowd to spot his new mentor. A smaller, reddish-hued cat stepped out from the crowd, he had seen them around the camp a few times during the twin’s antics, but now was the time where he got to know a cat other than his family. He was ecstatic, thinking of all the possibilities…and still not paying attention to the ceremony. Ferretpaw nearly stumbled backwards when he zoned back in to see Brightaura’s nose appear before him. He had completely forgotten about this part of the ceremony until his sister reminded him that he needed to touch noses with his mentor. The small apprentice whispered back an “Oh! Right!” before completing his ceremony.

Ferretpaw’s feet itched to do something as he waited ever so patiently for his sister to complete her part of the ceremony. To distract himself, he began shifting the weight between each of his paws. Watching as a ladybug entered his view, he started playing with it, flipping it over on its back and watching it try to flip back. The whole world seemed so peaceful, watching the ladybug intensely… “FERRETPAW, STOATPAW! FERRETPAW, STOATPAW!” The brown tabby jumped up, fur standing on end at the sudden loud noise. Oh yeah- his apprentice ceremony. The tabby groomed his fur to pretend like he didn’t just panic.

When the ceremony was over, the twins walked up to their parents. Minkrunner shot him a disappointed glance before nuzzling both of her kits. Lichenpelt tapped him and his sister both on the shoulder before telling him how proud he was and that he knew they were destined for greatness.

That night was difficult for him to fall asleep, with a new environment he ran around it now that his mother couldn’t scold him (which earned him a fair share of grumbles from the other apprentices.) Stoatpaw had already made her nest and was starting to fall asleep, so Ferretpaw decided to do the same. Clumsily gathering together a nest of his own, he curled up and closed his eyes. But something wasn’t right, he couldn’t fall asleep. “Pssst” The apprentice turned to look at the source of the noise, that being from his sister. “I can’t sleep.” She complained with a tired tone. “Me too” Ferretpaw replied, “Can I come over there and sleep in your nest?” “Sure!” The molly perked up, making room for her brother. As the two curled up together in the same nest, they were finally able to go to sleep.





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  • Maecenas sed neque aliquet, iaculis orci rutrum, posuere sapien.
  • Donec sit amet commodo magna.
  • Sed fringilla nunc vitae arcu scelerisque, in euismod nisl lobortis. Nullam eget nisi tincidunt, consectetur mi eget, ultrices augue.
Stoatpaw Sister

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Brightaura Mentor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.