


2 years, 7 months ago



Born Name
Lemarchand Edelweiss
Genderfluid (She / Her)
Living Status
Health Points
11 (0)
12 (+1)
15 (+2)
18 (+4)
13 (+1)
17 (+3)
Why rely on Gods for power? Real power comes from within, from dicipline and studying. 
― Needle at some point

Needle is a fallen Aasimar hailing from a high mage city. Blessed from birth by the goddess, Mystra, she was destined for greatness. However, hubris and curiosity got the best of her, and opening a cursed relic put her on a path of lust for power and violence. She now works hard to win back the one who felled her, her Deva angel girlfriend Kadriel.

Needle: The needles and pins on her head and all over her body.

Lemarchand: Name of the guy who created the Lament Configuration from the Hellraiser franchise.

Edelweiss: Flower that represents courage, nobility, and purity.

Born in a town that was populous for mages, wizards, and those who worshipped Mystra, Needle (not her born name) did not know she was born an aasimar. Her parents did have their suspicions, she had unnaturally pale skin and metallic shimmery eyes. She was always fascinated in spells and magic, always had her nose in a book practicing some sort of cantrip. She especially took a liking to illusion spells and wasn't very popular among her peers. When she was 17, her angel guide appeared to her. She was a young angel who was also around her age. It was love at first sight for Needle. Her guide, Kadriel, helped her in her studies and sensed a high potential in her. In Needle's studies, she began looking into the darker, more forbidden magics.

Kadriel tried to steer her away from them, however Needle was too steadfast in learning every secret she could and following through with Kadriel's "high potential". She came upon a magic box that was told to gift intelligence and power beyond recognition. Against Kadriel's wishes she found the box and worked at unlocking it. When she did, she became touched by the dark powers inside it. When Kadriel discovered this. She turned her back on Needle and cursed her out for going against her wishes and becoming so power-hungry.

Kadriel felled Needle to Barovia for what she did. There, Needle killed a commoner escaping Krzek named Magdalena, and stole her identity. From then she ran an item shop in Vallaki named The Laughing Skull. All other townsfolk avoided her due to her macabre and strange ways. She procures her miscellanious items by grave robbing former adventurers that died. She became an ally to Party 657 when they helped her fend off some bandits and steal her wares back. Her true identity was revealed at the Amber Temple after being pressured to. She desperately tries to get with Patrina.

Needle is very eccentric and morbid. She has macabre interests and enjoys scaring others. She has a tendency to choose violence first and think later. Despite this she prefers to be alone and is conflicted in trying to atone for her actions or continue on her path of power. She still tries to communicate to Kadriel despite her knowing she may never respond to her again. Her favorite spells are Phantasmal Force, Silent Image, and Seeming. She doesn't understand social cues very well and gets very confused with body language.

After unlocking the box, her hair gained grey streaks. She gained large needle-mohawks down the sides of her head and black grease around her eyes. She has piercings across her nose and on her chin, along her breasts, the sides of her arms, and her legs. She now goes by the name of Needle, and doesn't tell anyone her born name. She still carries a symbol of Kadriel with her, a gold necklase with a circular icon of a mouth on one side, and Mystra's nine stars encircling a flowing red mist on the other.

Adam Predalien 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
― Source

Aenean vel lectus quis risus egestas dapibus ut eget metus. Sed elementum ipsum sed turpis cursus malesuada. Mauris pellentesque magna a laoreet scelerisque. Vestibulum tincidunt enim eu dictum facilisis. Cras velit sem, euismod non eros eget, pellentesque convallis turpis. Nunc ac dictum libero. In mollis dolor congue augue gravida ornare. Pellentesque pulvinar arcu vel enim blandit mattis. Nullam nec nulla pellentesque, malesuada ligula eu, interdum ipsum. Sed elit arcu, commodo id tristique eget, tincidunt semper ex.

Templeton Snowbristle 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
― Source

Aliquam a lorem dapibus, semper enim vestibulum, molestie massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque viverra diam tortor, ut blandit ipsum semper quis. Cras pretium suscipit egestas. Aenean interdum, ante ac viverra pretium, dui ligula convallis elit, non consectetur odio turpis id arcu. Duis pulvinar odio id sem finibus convallis. Donec aliquam urna et elit dictum feugiat. Mauris ut massa at enim hendrerit hendrerit. Aliquam ornare quam erat, eget lobortis odio mattis non. Curabitur tempor odio quam, vel viverra ligula tincidunt consectetur. Quisque et pulvinar mi, sed facilisis orci. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur leo diam, aliquam quis tristique a, facilisis eu nisi. Donec tempor mauris tincidunt ligula vulputate maximus. Pellentesque dictum urna elit, eu sagittis turpis venenatis in.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
― Source

Aliquam a lorem dapibus, semper enim vestibulum, molestie massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque viverra diam tortor, ut blandit ipsum semper quis. Cras pretium suscipit egestas. Aenean interdum, ante ac viverra pretium, dui ligula convallis elit, non consectetur odio turpis id arcu. Duis pulvinar odio id sem finibus convallis. Donec aliquam urna et elit dictum feugiat. Mauris ut massa at enim hendrerit hendrerit. Aliquam ornare quam erat, eget lobortis odio mattis non. Curabitur tempor odio quam, vel viverra ligula tincidunt consectetur. Quisque et pulvinar mi, sed facilisis orci. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur leo diam, aliquam quis tristique a, facilisis eu nisi. Donec tempor mauris tincidunt ligula vulputate maximus. Pellentesque dictum urna elit, eu sagittis turpis venenatis in.

[CoS] Party 657 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
― Source

Aliquam a lorem dapibus, semper enim vestibulum, molestie massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque viverra diam tortor, ut blandit ipsum semper quis. Cras pretium suscipit egestas. Aenean interdum, ante ac viverra pretium, dui ligula convallis elit, non consectetur odio turpis id arcu. Duis pulvinar odio id sem finibus convallis. Donec aliquam urna et elit dictum feugiat. Mauris ut massa at enim hendrerit hendrerit. Aliquam ornare quam erat, eget lobortis odio mattis non. Curabitur tempor odio quam, vel viverra ligula tincidunt consectetur. Quisque et pulvinar mi, sed facilisis orci. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur leo diam, aliquam quis tristique a, facilisis eu nisi. Donec tempor mauris tincidunt ligula vulputate maximus. Pellentesque dictum urna elit, eu sagittis turpis venenatis in.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Fusce convallis magna quis aliquam gravida.

    • Integer ac diam feugiat, semper neque at, pharetra augue.
    • Ut vulputate ligula eu nulla egestas, in suscipit mauris sodales
  • Proin laoreet est id metus luctus vestibulum quis at magna.

    • Nam id metus at tellus rutrum lobortis non sed ante.
    • Phasellus tempus libero eget justo sodales laoreet.
    • Maecenas interdum elit vitae nisi gravida rhoncus.