Storm Bringer



2 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Storm Bringer




Can control the weather, harness lightning, walk on clouds and such, produce rain and lightning from his mane


Kirin/Pegasus hybrid

Cutie mark

(Optional) I'm not 100% sure on what it is. I might have one added kinda like luna's cutie mark but with a storm cloud slotch rolling in with a lightning marking


Name: Storm Bringer (Storm for short)

Gender: Male

Species: Kirin/ Pegasus hybrid 

Sexuality: Undetermined

Pronouns: He/they

Cutiemark: none/ storm clouds with lightning(the cloud markings form on the flank like luna's cutiemark)

Talent: Weather/storm based magic(has a bit of control over the weather but mainly the clouds)

Homeplace: Unknown (I'm still deciding. Maybe near the kirin village)

Occupation:  Wanders around where the strongest storms blow

Parents: (I didn't make his parents yet or at least I don't think I'll make them)

Siblings (If any): None

Backstory: I'm working on that now

Eye color: Soft yellow

Mane/Tail Color: Stormy gray(changes from darker grays to lighter grays depending on mood or use of magic)

Coat color: Dark stormy blue with darker stormy blue scales and hoof fades

Important Details: He's a quite being and tends to wonder alone but he does enjoy hearing stories and have friendly somewhat onesided (with him listening but not talking much)chats.

(there is a slight edit with the tail though. The tail is a kirin tail)

Due to this character being in my head for so long he does have multiple versions of himself. 

He does have access to the rift(the place that focuses to the vast amount of dimensions/universes one can go to)

The only reason he has access to it is because he managed to befriend the Rift watcher(form/appearance is still undecided)