Cyrah Abebe



2 years, 7 months ago


Name: Cyrah Abebe
Ethnicity: African
Gender: W O M
Age: 15
Birth date: 14th of april (Aries)
Height: 168
Rank: Hero course
Quirk: (Fly trap) - she has two venus fly trap like plants on her head that look like buns. She can control them but if she's not focusing on them they tend to have a mind of their own. After a while the plants will get hungry and she will have to sacrifice one of her friends to it.
Quirk type: Mutation
Personality: Works well with others and is usually a pretty calm person, but if you attack her friends and loved ones she will hold a permanent grudge. She's a quick thinker and can be a great leader with the right people by her side.
Looks: She has light purple long fluffy hair with two venus fly trap like plants that sit on it like buns. Tends to wear dresses and skirts.
Extra facts: Lived in France with her parents before coming to Japan. Likes music
Story significance: Bravo student