


6 years, 9 months ago



Eclipse is a real party boy, give him a text and he'll be there with the drinks which will of course be alcoholic. Sometimes he'll party all night, all weekend which means he is almost always hungover but that is his inspiration. Eclipse loves to rap and produce electronic songs on his shitty laptop, his songs could be about getting drunk and smoking weed, failed relationships and his shitty life. This party boy always somehow has a cigarette on him and is a heavy smoker although he doesn't seem to be affected health wise or he just acts like he's fine and doesn't give one flying fuck. He always act's like he's the best person in the room unless of course Kanye is in the room. Eclipse Is normally really tired from staying up late making songs plus being really drunk, sometimes he just wishes he could rest for a few months but no songs equals no money and no money means no weed, I mean he can't pay rent.


Eclipse started his rapping career in his middle teenage years, he performed at fairs, small concerts and etc. but due to all this time on his hands he quit high school at 15. After a year or so a big music company asked him if he would like to join the company and make music and of course he said yes, he started off as fresh meat in the music industry and since it was a big company there were many other rappers there. Most rappers that were in the company were light to heavy smokers, drinkers and drug users, - got caught up when he and a few rappers went off for a night out after finishing a song and Eclipse was only 17 at the time. He and the rappers went to a club and Eclipse was the youngest in the group so he used a fake ID to get in, little did he know stepping in that club would change his life. The next day Eclipse woke up in a unknown persons bed with 5 people, both girls and boy's, he could barely stand let alone walk due to how drunk he was, he looked around the room trying to find out what happened the last night but his eyes stared at the bedside table. Vodka and a pills we're placed on top of it, without thinking Eclipse grabbed a handful of pills and passed out. Later that day he woke up in his own bed, it was dinner time the smell of steak and mashed potatoes was in the air, he knew he was finally home and he still to this day has no idea what happened to this day but he was still greatly impacted on it. Around the age of 19 he started to hate the company he was working for because they didn't let him do anything HE wanted to do, they just made pop songs at that time so he left the company. He stayed unemployed until he was 21 then he started realizing he needs more money to pay for rent so he started producing his own electronic music. He first started off as a small YouTube rapper but then quickly sky-rocketed to fame, he was now performing his owns gigs, releasing albums and even owning a cool car. Now at 24 he still produces music and raps 24/7 and plans to never really quit working on his own but he does have his friend who edits his video's.