



NAME: Blake T. Teller
SPECIES: Vampire, Former Human
OCCUPATION: Mad Scientist/Paranormal Investigator
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
THEME: Touch Tone Telephone / Mad Science

Blake T. Teller, a paranormal investigator and alchemist whose curiosity is only outpaced by his propensity to fling himself headfirst into danger. Blake's been interested in the paranormal from a very young age- drawing UFOs on spare paper and fawning over articles on the danger of mad science in the news. After running away from [REDACTED] at the age of 9, Blake was taken in by the Kullers- a pair of former pirate wives and their six other children. Blake grew up from there in a family full of love- but his peers considered him odd at best and downright dangerous at worst, as his schooltime antics ranged from wiring the school's lights to change color in tune to the intercom's speech all the way to turning in a frog raised from the dead into zombiehood as a science fair project. Finding himself ostracized by the town at large, Blake collected a small group of friends and opened a Museum of Weird in his hometown- but his hopes to show his peers the wonders of the unknown only served to push him farther into the role of Town Weirdo. 

Following a series of Long Stories involving contact with the wider multiverse, a bowl of hot tortilla soup, countless bouts of Situations, two robots, and the realization that you can always find your people, Blake's now settled into an alchemical field of his own making- Necromechanics, the study of making machines out of organic pieces to control and power them via Necromancy. He's an altruistic soul- and though he may run into trouble with the curiosity of a doomed cat, satisfaction- and a love for his friends- always brings him back.

