Cynthia's Comments

See anyone in my th you’d trade for? :0 

Hey! Sorry for the late reply; I'd say Wolfbrook catches my eye most! I understand that they have a lot of art though, so I could add in a headshot similar to this one if you think that's more fair :> My friend Slumbering_Opossum has also offered to add on a fullbody in their style!

Hai! I can definitely do this!! Would your friend be able to do an anthro fullbody? :0 

Yes, they said that they can if its a feline or canine anthro! They're still getting used to drawing other species : ]

That’s perfect actually!

I’d love for you to draw:

And your friend can draw:

Alright, those two look great! We'll begin work on these as soon as we can; Opo will prob be done before me though lol

5 Replies