Alturrut Burntclaw



2 years, 6 months ago


Flamelord Alturrut previously known as Alturrut Burntclaw or before Burntclaw, Gearclaw.

He was apart of the Iron Legion in the same Fahrar as Amantia. Though Amantia was in the Blood Legion, they were quite close friends. Though Alturrut had a falling out with her due to him being quite the backstabber.

He joined the Flame Legion soon after being in a warband called the Gear warband, he would obviously be a spy for them and basically sabotage and everything. Eventually the bloodstone incident happened with Amantia and his Gear Warband was killed off leaving just him left. So he would go straight to being in a Flame Legion warband.

He would use this incident with Amantia against her, since he saw everything.

Despite him being in the Flame Legion, he really never saw Gaheron Balefire as a god. He just saw it as a way to gain power. Eventually he raised in ranks and got the new name Alturrut “Burntclaw” as he grew up, still being undercover for the Flame Legion in the Black Citadel. One day Gaheron was killed off and he took his chance to take lead for himself and became the new “god” in his words. Most of the Flame Legion left (because you know, in game they did.) But he gathered up followers.

He would still stick with “Gearclaw” when around Charr who aren’t in the Flame Legion. So they didn’t know, until one day he decided to kill Amantia. Which obviously didn’t go well and he ended up locked away somewhere for a long time. Until he made a deal to help and learn to “be a better person” if he didn’t he would be locked up again for the rest of his life.

He ended up keeping the deal, helping whenever he was asked too, and he took back his throne in the Flame Legion. The whole Flame Legion literally just became this big legion full of powerful soldiers and shamans who have powerful flame magic, though he wouldn’t break the truce due to his deal.
Alright so to describe Alturrut in a way: He is basically a hot head, he has a taste for bloodshed. Likes to be the all powerful leader who could give less of a crap about others. (Most likely he will backstab you).

As a result of a ritual while in the flame legion, his hands became more lava like, just like a lava shamans. As the years went on and once he became the leader of the Flame Legion his tail got burnt and the inside of his mouth became full of fire, his teeth turning a black.

His age is: 52