[MTT] Howie Castellan



2 years, 7 months ago


The Greatest Show
Howie Castellan

"Who's ready to have some fun!"

Name: Howden Oakley Castellan
Nickname: Howie - Bear
Age: 26 Years
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Panromantic
Relationship status: Taken
Occupation: Strongman / Farm hand
Birthday: November 12th
Saliva: Spiced pumpkin pie

Howie is loud, jovial, and boisterous. You can hear him coming from a mile away. He is always smiling and smells like a cool autumn breeze. Howie is a strongman competitor so he knows his way around heavy items which comes in handy when he works on his cousin’s gourd farm.


Howie is a large man with a large personality. He is very charismatic and gung-ho about almost anything, even if he doesn’t completely understand what it is or how it is done. He is a very friendly guy who is always happy to lend a helping hand. He is more similar to the character Reinhardt from the game Overwatch in terms of mannerisms and speaking voice.







  • Powerlifting
  • Helping on Jack's gourd farm
  • His catroaches, Whiskey and Tango
  • Halloween season
  • Missing a workout
  • People talking negatively about his family
  • Alcohol
  • Wearing his glasses (so he doesn't)

  • Howden is a species of pumpkin, hence his name
  • Howie is 6'6 but not considered 'Overgrown' in terms of traits
  • As stated earlier, Howie is very similar to the Overwatch character Reinhardt in terms of personality.
Design Notes

  • Inner ears, mouth, and tonge are the same color orange as his markings.
  • He is a standard B/W base MTT with standard hologram placement (End of tail).
  • Saliva is a thick orange consistancy that smells like Spiced Pumpkin Pie when aroused
  • Markings are symetrical.
  • In human form, usually can be seen wearing sport shorts without a shirt unless it's cold. If it's cold, he wears a long sleeve and his overalls.

Howie has 5 eyes in his dragon form which is uncommon.

Markings can be simplified in his human form, but need to be about 90? the same as his dragon form.

Hair can be drawn down or slicked back. Usually will keep his hair short so he doesn't have to spend a lot of time on it.


Early Life

Howden is an only child and was treated as such. Spoiled beyond belief, Howie got just about anything he asked for. He helped his dad on his farm and tended to the smaller animals so he didn’t get hurt. He always dreamed of driving the tractor but was too small. His dad would get on and put him on his lap so he could mess with the steering wheel. Howie had a lot of good memories as a child like playing with his cousins and seeing his family on holidays, especially their annual camping trip. One year, there was an accident that completely changed his family’s life for the worst.


When Howie was a teenager, he and his family were on their annual family camping trip, as usual, when he heard about a serious accident involving his cousin, Jack. Apparently, his cousin had been hit by a car and was in seriously critical condition for a long time. Howie and his parents would go visit him occasionally in the hospital, but he doesn’t think Jack remembered those visits much. Aound that time things began to shift within the family and Howie and his parents stayed a bit more to themselves. Howie excelled in sports and took up powerlifting just like his dad did in his younger years to help improve his strength and help more on the family farm.

As he got older, Howie began to speak with his cousin Jack a bit more and offered to help out by carrying items to his house or where ever really. Around that time, he had started picking up powerlifting for school and for helping around the family farm so he just wanted to use his height and strength for another good reason. As he got older, he lost contact with his other relatives aside from the occasional holiday visits and checkup calls. He tried to speak with his cousins a bit closer to his age, but he just never quite fit in with them, yet he still tries.

Current Years

Howie has recently been doing a lot more powerlifting and Strongman competitions. He’s gained a bit of notoriety from them and even gets recognized in public on occasion. When he’s not training for those, he works with his dad and his cousin Jack on their respective farms with his catroaches, Whiskey and Tango. Howie has also recently made friends with another farmer while at Middle Junction City Farmer’s Market. They exchanged farming tips and stories of adventures on their respective farms. He and Canal became friends rather quickly seeing as the latter does not like to talk much. Luckily, Howie has no issues holding a conversation on his own. He has even extended his little circle of farmer friends to Landon and Butternut along with an occasional market goer named Peter.


Jack Cousin

Howie's younger cousin that owns the gourd farm. He is a bit closer with Jack than he is with Opheila and is always willing to help him with anything. Working on the farm gives him a way to stay in shape if he misses a workout and help out his family since he doesn't want Jack to over do it.

Ophelia Cousin

Ohelia is Howie's other younger cousin that he has only met on a few occasions. They don't take much, he knows that she has a good head on her shoulders and a great family to boot!

Canal Best farmer friend

Howie and Canal met at a Farmer's Market where they were both selling produce. Howie, being the loud, friendly person he is, went over to talk to her since he really spoke to no one outside of poeople who came to her booth. They exchanged stories and talked about workout plans for a majority of their time there. They keep in touch still and Howie is trying his hardest to get her to move closer to town.

Landon Farmer Friend

Landon is warm and friendly and loves to talk about the fall season.Howie goes to Landon for additional tips and tricks when it comes to taking better care of his gourds and other crops. He rather likes when Landon brings along any of his current woodworking projects as Howie finds the process very interesting.