


2 years, 7 months ago


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Lake he/him | 5'4

"Oh, I see. I'm sure it'll be fine eventually, though..."


Lake is normally calm and quiet, and it takes a lot to upset or anger him. He tends to mostly go with the flow and is more comfortable following than leading. Between him and his older sister Margaret, she was always the one seeking new things and people, while he was comfortable staying where he was. After a series of (incredibly unfortunate) events, though, Lake became much more bitter and withdrawn. His relationship with Margaret was also frayed.


Lake grew up in a small town, and for a long time he helped manage the family inn. He enjoyed hearing all the stories travelers told about their adventures, but he never once considered going on adventures himself--that kind of life just wasn't for him. He knew that Margaret had a different outlook on this, but he never would've imagined that she would actually leave one day (without telling anyone beforehand, on top of everything). This upset him greatly, but he assumed she was off to better things and that she would be back soon enough. He was wrong on both counts: she'd gotten mixed up in something very dangerous and stayed away for several months. After about half a year, he was taken from the inn in the middle of the night and transported to the capital, where he was promptly thrown in prison. This was so Faviola could ensure Margaret's loyalty, which she had begun to doubt. Lost and frightened, he could only take solace in the fact that Margaret wouldn't let him stay there forever. She was coming to help him... right?


Bountiful and fresh
This character is a farmer or related to agriculture.

