


2 years, 7 months ago




Beryl is a member of Widow's band: Dropout Days.

He is a blue and white dog, often seen with his tongue sticking out (giving him a slight lisp at times). He also has fluffy fur, floppy ears, and dazed eyes.

He works as a retail employee, after having no success in getting a job after college. It's not good paying, causing it to fall into student debt. He is using his botany skills to grow and sell pot in hopes the money will help. One of it's main reasons to joining Widow's band is because he hopes the money earned will help pay off it's debt.


  • Flowers
  • Sleeping in
  • Cuddling


  • Retail
  • Loud people
  • Fireworks


  • Ukulele
  • Singing
  • Gardening


Beryl is a friendly dog, known to be playful and generous. He's also quite touchy, always giving hugs to friends. It's often relaxed and sociable, loving to chat with new people.

Despite this, Beryl isn't the smartest pal around. It was barely able to pass college courses, as he has trouble paying attention and understanding what's going on. This can make him a bit hard to understand since he will often go off topic and be oblivious to situations. Because of this, he's not super responsible. But he's trying his best. 

(In conclusion, he's a himbo.)



Beryl was Widow's roommate in college. The two didn't really grow close, and were just acquaintances. In college, Beryl was studying biology and botany so he can create new plants with spliced genes. After college, Beryl began losing interest in their degree as it has no success in holding a job. Beryl ended up getting a retail job, using their botany knowledge to grow and sell weed for extra money. He's gotta be creative in repaying college tuitions since he couldn't get any job as a botanist.

It ended up reuniting with Widow years later when she was kicked out of a venue. Beryl offered to catch up with them, buying her a drink. After some drunk rambling, Widow learned that Beryl knows how to play ukulele and is a good singer. She offered him a spot in her up and coming band, and Beryl took the chance in hopes that the money earned will help him out...

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