Camille Banerjee



6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

full name //

Camille Adna Banerjee

nickname //

Cam, babe, sunshine

age //

22 years old

gender //


sexuality //


relationship status //

currently dating Maria Reyes

parents //

Ahmed Banerjee (father), Lara Bardeaux (mother)

nationality //

Indian, French

occupation //

works in a botanical garden



kind, overprotective, funny, positive, sweet, friendly, open-minded, needy, easygoing


Camille comes from a really traditional Indian family,
her whole life has been written before she even born:
she would be smart and get into good schools
then get married and have tons of kids,
that's the life her father wanted for her
but everything did not went the way he has wished.
Camille is a really smart and sweet girl she always had good marks in school,
but in middle school she discovered that she was bisexual
which crushed every dreams her father had for her.
When she told her dad,
he got so angry that he didn't talked to her for a whole year.
They were really close back then
but that year something about their relationship died.
On the other hand
her mother supported her a lot and helped her finding who she was because she was more open-minded,
a thing that they both share.
A year after, her father apologized even though he still doesn't accept it
and she forgave him
even though they both know that nothing will be like before.


  • loves soul and 90's rap
  • loves the song "Rude" by Magic because it reminds her of her parent's story
  • her favorite pair of shoes are her red converse
  •  can't resist puppies
  • cooks when she gets stressed out
  • drinks a lot of tea
  • the spicy food queen in person
  • only wears comfy clothes and striped shirts
  •  most likely to keep cute and embarrassing pictures of her and her girlfriend
  • named every plants she own
  • Compliments everyone daily/ really into positivism


Family[-ex ] Friends [-ex ] LoversOthers 
Ahmed Banerjee // father 

Lara Banerjee // mother 

Sasha Banerjee // big brother 

Paris Banerjee // little sister

Thea Nielsen // friend

Camille Booth // friend 

Maria Reyes // girlfriend