Penelope Pace



2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Penelope Papaya Pace

Name definition: 

-Penelope: Greek name meaning “weaver”

-Papaya: It’s a fruit…

-Pace: English surname meaning “peace”

Nicknames: Penny

Gender: Female

Species: Common D’nno

Birth date: August 7 (adoption date: August 7, 2021)


-Penelope is quite polite and even tempered, calm and never raises her voice. She also compliments others whenever she can. She got teased for it when she was in school but she never let it stop her from being friendly.

-She is also very intelligent and will sometimes help others when they were struggling with something. She even helps others when it comes to things she is not familiar with. She sees it as a learning experience.

-Even though she is helpful and friendly, she is not the bravest. She gets shy very quickly and will not talk to anyone if something really scary happens. If she gets upset, she shuts down and will not talk to anyone and even hides sometimes.

Extra information:

-At a young age, Penelope began to grow very sick, fainting, feeling weak, and vomiting quite a bit. Her parents desperately tried to find help from the doctors to find a diagnosis so they could help her, but were unable to, and she continued to grow ill. Soon, the doctors started giving her different diets in hopes to find the source of her illness. After trying a gluten free diet, she began to grow stronger and healthier again, getting the nutrients she needed. She was diagnosed with celiac disease on that day. Ever since, she had to strictly follow a gluten free diet. Eating the smallest bit makes her sick, so she is very careful of what she eats and always asks people if it is safe to eat when they offer her food. She in now a healthy woman living on Floria, a bit underweight, but feeling very well.

-Since childhood, the other kids in her class got it in her head that they would get whatever she had and isolated themselves from her. Her classmate, Garlude felt bad and started hanging out with her. Penelope and Garlude became the best of friends. Both of their families got along as well, even though Penelope’s family was not rich, but they were neat and clean like they were.

-Penelope LOVES breakfast foods like muffins, waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, anything like that. From childhood to adulthood, she started her morning with a big breakfast and cup of orange juice. She rarely drinks coffee.