Lector (Prelude)



4 years, 1 month ago



Hell broke out in France during the late 1800’s. Legions of demons came out in droves to finally bring about the end of humanity, and there to help lead the denizens of Hell was Lector, second in command of this army. Tensions were high but the stakes were even higher for Lector during this critical time. For the moment she's been patiently waiting for had finally come at last.

Armies amassed and already dispatched, Lector stood by, waiting once more for the perfect time to make her move.

It was nearly the end of this bloody battle. The King only had his eyes on one human, the commander of the opposing army. 

Lector finally pulled aside the King of Hell, the only demon with a higher position than herself and the same man who condemned her to a life of hatred and revenge because she underestimated this fool and fell for his trickery.

The face he made when she finally betrayed him was one twisted in shock, pain, and a sort of resigned acceptance. Its only when Lector is all alone in a whole new world, will she look back and recognize the resigned acceptance on his face. It would be only then that she realize that perhaps he was expecting her betrayal all this time.