Nadeshiko Tsukino (Tenseiko (Tensei x Nadeshiko))



7 years, 26 days ago



At this moment...

At the actual moment of the manga, they are engaged.
Before the incident with Stain in Hosu, both were focused in their job and planning the weeding, deciding things like the place, the outfits and more...
After Hosu Arc, both of them have all the preparatives cancelled since Tensei will fully recover and will be out of the hospital. Even if he won't be able to walk again, this don't make them cancell the weeding. 
Creator: Jayden
Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Unknown


A love that lived in past and walks into a common future 
NameTensei Iida and Nadeshiko Tsukino


GenderMale and Female



Nadeshiko and Tensei meet years ago, when Nadeshiko was in her first year at UA and Tensei was starting to be a famous in his firsts Pro-Hero years.

Nadeshiko's father works on a business building and one afternoon called home asking for something he needed and was at home and Nadeshiko offered go to bring it at her father's job. When she arrived take the elevator with some people when suddenly they hear an explosion and the elevator stop by cut of light. From the outside they could hear the sound of people running between screams and cries and even if they start to beg for help nobody heard them.
Inside the elevator the people were starting to desesperate, and Nadeshiko thought being an Hero student she could do something for make them calm. Even being shy and completely unsure, she start to try to calm the people around her saying the Heros will arrive soon, it worked with some persons but others were being everytime worst.
The silence fall around them and some persons in the elevator start to cry. Nadeshiko, worried for those persons and her father, decided use her quirk with the elevator pannel and with trembling hands achieved open the elevator doors, they had lucky and was enough space for them to down to the floor. When all of them were out, Nadeshiko called all of them with trembling voice and avoided some of them start to run taking the responsability of take care of these people and guide them into a secure place just like she was studying.
The invasion of some villains made some security doors down and block some ways, but thanks to Nadeshiko's quirk was able to unlock them and continue. Minutes after the group hear the sound of steps and a group of Heros found them, between these Heros was the novel Ingenium who after ask what happened to them and if they were fine, take the group since the nearest exit and Nadeshiko could find her father.

When all ended and the villains were under arrest some police man approached her and start to scold her for broke the law and use her quirk making the group of people be in danger, Nadeshiko down her head completely ashamed and with tears in her eyes. Her father tried to comfort her when the people who was with her in the elevator approached her and start to say thanks. One voice called Nadeshiko's attention and when look at who was saw Ingenium, he approached her nonchalantly and patted her head praising her for the good job she did protecting those persons. Then, surprising her a lot, praised her useless quirk and gave her a little business card proposing to her when she will finish her studies at UA go to work for him.
With an enormous blush, Nadeshiko stared at the business card and read the word "Idaten". Raising her head saw Ingenium was leaving and raising her voice asked why a cool Pro Hero like him will want someone with an useless quirk as her. His answer touched Nadeshiko's heart and made on her have a change of attitude.

Thanks to Ingenium's words, Nadeshiko started to valorate her quirk and try to discover it's limits in UA. Since this day, Nadeshiko framed Idaten business card and put it in her study desk as motivation when she will feel tired.
Bit a bit Ingenium start to become everytime more and more famous and Nadeshiko start an album with every notice he appears, bought merchandising of him and become her fan number 1, or at least is how she calls herself.
Bit a bit, she developed a crush for him even if she doesn't saw him aside in the TV or papersnew, for her, Ingenium was the Hero who saved her in more than one way, including saving her from herself.
During the years on UA, Nadeshiko never tried to do an internship on Idaten always saying she will go to it when will be a good and useful Hero, just like him. She take the opportunities doing internships with other Pro Heroes who will help her to develop her quirk, at the same time, her grades were excellent, being one of the best students on her generation.

After graduate from UA with 18 years old, Nadeshiko continued working under the Pro Hero she was doing her internship in her 3rd grade during 2 years more. After it, Nadeshiko felt enough good for try to join Idaten and without hesitation but full of nerves went to Idaten for do the process and the interview for be accepted.
Here is when she meet Tensei Iida, who was the one who received her and will do the interview, Nadeshiko's heart jump when saw him but she reminded herself in her heart only was space for Ingenium. Asking for when she will be able to see him, discovered Ingenium was the man she had in front of herself: Tensei Iida, making her have a heart attack and be completely hysterical and clumsy, thing that made Tensei laugh hard.
During the interview, Nadeshiko felt stupid and couldn't stop of tremble, answering the best she could and trying to keep a decent and professional attitude. By the things she was talking, Tensei recognized her as the young UA student who helped during an attack and thanks to this, and the excellent resume, Nadeshiko was accepted on Idaten.

Working on Idaten, Nadeshiko was able to spend time with Tensei discovering more sides of him that the ones she saw in Ingenium, like his easy-going and nonchalanty personallity out of job or his irresponsable moments when he doesn't think much and simply move by impulse.
With the time, Nadeshiko win a place between Tensei's close workers and joins the group of "Let's scold Ingenium when has a crazy idea". Being serious and with her habit of have all under control, call Tensei's attention and make he the wish of make her less serious and relax a bit out of job. Thanks to this both of them start to see the other out of job and spend time alone, knowing more of the other, since the point Tensei ended falling for Nadeshiko.
It take them a couple years before Tensei discovers accidentally Nadeshiko's feelings and confess to her. Their relation is marked for their job, being very supportive with the other but never making it interfere when they are on Idaten. Nadeshiko usually goes with Tensei into some meetings and while he is in it, she's doing paperwork or her own business if see it can benefit Idaten.
Out of job, Tensei loves tease Nadeshiko and always is trying to make her smile, going to funny places like amusement parks and making her being active proposing to go run together, thing that he achieved it only sometimes. At the same time, Tensei know how be the the calm and peaceful lake Nadeshiko needs when is stressed, and loves sit on the sofa and only hear her talk about her problems or help her chose when she's unsure about something.
Nadeshiko's attitude towards Tensei changes when start to date him, her fangirl attitude dissapear a lot demonstrating the acquired maturity in her job. For Tensei she's his reasonable side and who can make him forget about his Hero job and be only a man. She's the one who make him stop and relax for example with a shoulder massage and forgot the tension of be a famous Pro Hero.
Both are very sweet with the other, Tensei doesn't care show it in public like giving her a kiss on her lips, but Nadeshiko prefers show her affection to him when are alone, for this she always blush when Tensei does it out of home.

Years after and months before the beginning of the manga, Tensei proposes marriage to Nadeshiko and with happiness tears on her eyes accept it.