The Flesh Cave



2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Unknown; likely ancient




It looks unassuming from the outside, but further in, it appears to be the inside of a living being; because it is, and it is aware and sentient. Humans who stay too long in it become bug-like monsters. It is able to communicate with the monsters within itself using pheromones. While it is unable to speak verbally, it does seem be able to hear and understand human speech. It is able to sense everything that happens inside itself. According to Sheary (with whom it has an especially close bond with), it sometimes signals that it's in pain when its walls are damaged. While it indicated that the human-based monsters will die if they leave, this was proven false. Instead, they actually quickly revert back to being human. Sheary is under the impression that the cave was merely mistaken, as no one who'd left ever came back. Cole, however is suspicious of this and thinks it might have been lying to prevent people from leaving for some nefarious reason.

It houses a small ecosystem. There are other bug monsters that were not previously human, which often lay their eggs in its walls; although they will occasionally try to lay them in the human-based monsters instead, but they are usually unsuccessful. The human-based monsters sometimes hunt these for food. There's also plenty of scab-like moss and large, strangely colored fungi which are allegedly safe to eat. There are also a few pools of dark liquid which the residents sometimes drink from.