


2 years, 6 months ago


With the apparent success of an emotional robot, the hospital's owners decided that they should start testing a new variable.

a robot-friend!

But they're still in testing and haven't got a working prototype, the closest they've come was TF-05, which despite looking normal from afar, is defective and buggy.

As they don't appear to be dangerous, the creators decided not to destroy them in order to collaborate with the next tests.

At the moment TF-05 is hidden and trapped in the test place, deep in the hospital, what the creators don't know is that he found a way out and constantly goes around interacting with some patients.

There were some rumors about "a strange and clumsy robot but strangely fun" that made friends with some patients.

  • Unlike TL-13, TF-05 was made with more modern technology.
  • Works with solar battery
  • They doesn't have claws
  • the whole face is a screen
  • Can change the body colors and patterns to fit in with what the patient likes and interact better