Koumori Sasaki



6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


This character is underage. Please don't write or draw her in an inappropriate manner.


Card image cap

Koumori is a freshman at U.A. Academy, just starting her first semester at school. She barely passed the entrance exam by spotting and attacking villain's weak points. She's a bit star-struck by some of the flashier heroes, but she resonates deeply with No. 13's disaster relief specialty. She hopes that her abilities could be used in search and rescue missions.


NameSasaki Koumori
Hero Name
Super Sonar
NicknamesBat-Cat, Bitty Batty
AlignmentNeutral Good
GenderCis Female
Height/Weight5'0, 120lbs | 152c, 54.43kg
Place of Residence Musutafu, Japan
Accent/Dialect Hiroshima Ben
Orientation Questioning
Relationship StatusSingle


HTML by: KnightOfSpring
Art Value: -
Com Value: -
Status: ?
Obtained: 2017, $4
Open for: RP/Relations/HCs.



Koumori is the daughter of Daisuke and Kaede Sasaki, born in Kitahiroshima. Her father was a local police officer. Her mother was also a bat-form, but worked as an EMT. Because of the strong morals they taught her, Koumori considers herself "born to help others." Unfortunately for her parent's blood pressure, Koumori wanted to help by becoming a great hero. 

Koumori had no trouble keeping out of trouble as a child, but studying for the U.A. Academy entrance exam was extremely taxing. In addition, she'd have to leave home for the duration of her high school years, living with an aunt and adult cousins until the U.A. dorms were ready. It was a hard choice, but Koumori's heart was set. Now, she just has to prove to her family that the stress and sacrifice were all worthwhile.


Koumori is a bombastic bleeding heart who just wants to believe in the best possible outcome. Granted, this can sometimes edge into blind trust, but she just considers herself a raging optimist. 

Koumori is a firm believer in hard work and getting your hands dirty, so she isn't scared at all to do "demeaning" labor or pass off credit to the right people. Her humility and team-oriented personality make her something of a middle-man when a group starts taking sides, but it can also lead to her getting shafted with the least desirable role in a project.

Koumori's biggest struggle is the cognitive, academic side of heroism (and probably just everyday life). She wants to focus on simple truths and tangible results, not numbers and rhetorical questions. This can land her in hot water, as cornering her on a subject can lead to a total mental shutdown at the worst times. Morally grey areas aren't something she processes well, either.


  • Collaborative
  • Eager
  • Humble
  • Brave


  • Impulsive
  • Shallow
  • Envious
  • Naive


Koumori's bat-form comes with the appropriate large, sensitive ears with a wide range of motion. Her eyes are a solid yellow and her teeth are far more animalistic, which can make chewing a problem. Her skin is a desaturated red, with a thin, fine fur overlaying it. She doesn't have wings or bat-like appendages, much to her dismay. 

In general terms, Koumori is short and still very young-looking, with lingering softness in the face and joints. She's a bit pear-shaped and getting more so as she gets older, but is still an average weight. Koumori takes a lot of pride in her thick, wavy hair and carefully styles every day.


  • Cuddly things
  • Street fashion
  • Volunteer work
  • Halloween
  • Hair tutorials


  • Nihilism
  • Bland food
  • Trigonometry
  • Puppets
  • Creepy/rude men


  • Sewing plushies
  • Horror novels
  • Tennis
  • Spelunking
  • Macrame



Koumori has batlike physiology, such as huge, moveable ears and the ability to sleep hanging upside down. Her bones are also very flexible and can bend quite a bit without breaking, but they break easily under shearing stress.


In lower pulses, Koumori's voice allows her to echolocate any terrain. Combined with her excellent night vision and magnetoreception, Koumori is nearly impossible to shake in a pursuit. She can also use her hearing to search for mission targets or incoming villains. Unfortunately, her hearing is highly attuned to the echo frequency, so distant heartbeats/conversation get lost.

Sonic Voice

In a pinch, Koumaki can use her call offensively. It's a heavy stress on her lungs and vocal chords, but she can turn her call into a constant, disorienting scream. It's painful to anyone in radius, but rarely causes permanent damage.


  • "Koumori" just means bat. She was born a bat-form to a bat-form parent, and her mother thought it was cute. Also, bats were symbols of good luck in 20th century China and Japan.
  • She inherited her batlike abilities from her mother. She's a bit sensitive about the fact that she didn't get wings/flight though.
  • Koumori is a major heat sink. She can get hypothermia or heat stroke very easily, so her suit is made of a good insulation fabric.
  • You can bet that Koumori is the queen of Halloween. She goes all-out with decorations, music, foods, and of course costumes!
  • Koumori has a big sister and a little brother. They both have omni-climbing quirks like their dad.
  • The bat sigil on her belt is something of a mascot for her. She's been using it on her personal notebooks since she was 13.
  • Koumori wanted a completely dark outfit for night-based missions, but it was considered too risky. In mock exams, teammates often hit her by mistake because they couldn't see where she went.
  • Koumori's specialty training usually involves honing her echolocation to be more precise. The hidden psychological parts of training involve showing Koumori the world in shades of gray, and the dangers of idolism and prejudice.

I chose this  life. I know what I'm doing. And on any given day, I could stop doing  it. Today, however, isn't that day. And tomorrow won't be either.

Batman - Identity Crisis, written by Brad Meltzer


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