


6 years, 11 months ago


Name: Cait Foley

Alias: Overload

Race: Human

Age: 49


Job: Exotic Dancer (Former)

Overwatch Scientist (Former)


Affiliation: Overwatch (Former)

Role: Defense

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 137 lbs

Health Max: 200

Ammo Max: 200


Born to a poor family in a small town in Ireland, Cait never seemd to have much of a future beyond her roots as a farmers daughter. However, as she aged, it became clear that her intellect had other things in mind. From a young age, Cait took pleasure in taking things apart and putting them back together in new and more efficient ways. Everything she fixed seemed to work better after she was done with it, and it was clear she had an obvious talent. This talent, however, was obviously wasted being restricted to such a small area. When Cait was able to graduate High School at the age of 14, it was clear that this small town was no place for her. 

    Pooling together scholarships and what little money they had saved up, Cait and her parents were able to work together to save enough to send Cait to England to further her education. It was here that Cait began to show a knack for robotics, and began to specialize in prosthetics, taking a minor in medicine. Cait had little issue rushing her way through University, though she did have her fair share of troubles. The main issue being the debts she had procured. Despite her scholarships and her parent's best efforts, Cait still had money to pay, and nothing to pay it with. Because of this, she was forced to take odd jobs, many of which paid next to nothing. It wasn't until the age of 18 that she began to make some actual money, taking on a job as an Exotic dancer for a short time. It isn't something she remembers fondly. 

    Thankfully, Cait wouldn't have to keep up her struggles for long, as opportunity came knocking when Cait was sent to the U.S. to assist in the research of prosthetics for wounded soldiers. It was here that she met Reyes,the man she would work closely with and more for many years to come. It was this fateful meeting that eventually led to Cait's recruitment into Overwatch at the suggestion of Reyes, who had been impressed by her abilities a few years before. She came to be one of Overwatch's first few members, and would remain one of it's top scientists for years to come, assisting to oversee Robotics and Engineering while continuing her own work in developing prosthetics and other robotics.

    Cait had little issue getting along with most anyone during her time in Overwatch, often working closely with Torbjorn and Angela. She was rarely seen in the field, but was able to hold her own when deployed. Her friendliness was appreciated by many, but it soon came to her developing a relationship with one of her superiors, the very man who had brought her into Overwatch: Reyes. They two had been friends for 8 years, but soon came to acknowledge that they are more for each other than as just friends. They entered a relationship with one another that would last for 21 years, with only one break separating them. It was during this time that Cait's greatest joy entered her life: Verena. Verena had been conceived at a rather awkward time in the couple's relationship, as the time of her conception matched up well enough that it could have been Reyes' child, or belong to another, as it was also around the time that Cait elected to leave Reyes for her own fears or ruining his career. However, despite how unsure everyone was, Cait and Reyes were happy to have one another back in each other's lives, and both gave nothing but love to the child Cait had borne.

    Unfortunately, Tragedy soon struck when Verena was ripped from Cait's life, having been taken by Talon, possibly in order to bait Overwatch. The girl was recovered after a while, thanks to a young agent named Kane, but she was taken once again a few years later, and left no trace. Cait was heartbroken. She shut down, and, in her grief, she elected to leave Overwatch. Cait did remain with Reyes for a time until his apparent "death". After having left Overwatch, Cait spent all her time tracking her daughter, working as an information broker and dealer of illegal robotics. She soon amassed a rather large library of information, but sadly still could not locate her daughter. That was, at least, until a man she had not seen in years walked back into her life. Reyes, now Reaper, approached her, claiming to know where her daughter was. Cait was flooded by emotions due to this development. She was happy to see Reyes again, but at the same time scared and angry, and most of all, till, in a way, the man she loved, and that love was not about to fade. She put her faith in him, and it eventually led to Cait being able to free her daughter, but lacking the courage to approach her. 

It wasn't until later that Cait learned the sourse of her daughters abduction: Moira. Moira was a woman Cait had never really truested, but put up with at Reye's behest. However, that minimal toleration was completely betrayed after Cait's own daughter was used as a lab rat. She was furious, and swore her revenge on Moira, and expressed extreme fury at Reyes. Cait now watches Verena, acting as her angel's angel, and waiting for the day when she'll have the courage to tell everyone about Verena's origins.

Ability 1:

Ability 2:

Ability 3:

Ability 4:

Ultimate Ability:


  • Besides her work in medical engineering, Cait was known for being responsible for shutting down multiple sexually and domestically abusive situations during her time in Overwatch. She worked a great deal with abuse survivors, and worked to shut down multiple sex trafficking operations.

(To Reyes) You look at her! You look at what you did to her! You let that... thing into Blackwatch after we told her to go! You let her work, you gave her freedom to do everything she did to my daughter! Your daughter! You enabled this! She trusted you and look at what happened! You destroyed my daughter! My baby... You destroyed us!

(To Moira) You, bitch. We trusted you. We put our faith in you and look what you did! I will disassembled you! I will make you regret ever existing! Do you hear me!

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