


6 years, 7 months ago


Neil is a kindly old abandoned robot (circa 90s), originally intended for science museums and programmed to teach small children about flora, fauna, and the loveliness of the natural world. He was sent to obtain as much information as possible before his duties as a teacher by living with a group of scientists deep in the jungle, whom he came to consider his family. 

Yet after a few years the discovery group slowly grew ill, perishing one by one in their secluded greenhouse home. It wasn't until it was too late that they discovered the toxins responsible for their fates. Neil lives on, his programming forbidding him from leaving the learning center. He's wandered the labs and gardens alone for years beyond count, longing for companionship. He busies himself with cataloguing the mutating plants and beings, stargazing, and dreaming of a new place to call home. He's too scared to attempt going against his coding to enter back into the world... but is the world outside truly the same as the one he knew before?