Tatsuki Ueno



2 years, 6 months ago


Tatsuki ueno (上野 達月)


Male// 27// Feb. 20

2nd member of AxE


MC Name: Eclipse
Division: ALTERxEGO (Roppongi)
Occupation: Club owner/bartender
Height: 175cm/5’9


  • Succulents, cacti and bonsai trees
  • Whiskey
  • Cats
  • Vintage/retro aesthetics


  • Disorganized spaces
  • Wasting time



Tatsuki prides himself on being easy to talk to, and giving good advice. He’s afraid of being seen as intimidating, so he softens his exterior personality to be more inviting and calming. Although, once you get to know him, this softness becomes a snarky and sarcastic tone with a smug attitude to match. Underneath the humble and kind persona he puts on for customers and coworkers lies a prideful person that wholeheartedly believes he deserves the powerful position he was essentially handed on a silver platter. He is quick to get annoyed or angry when anyone younger, or anyone he views as below him, doesn't give him the respect he feels he deserves. Even though he'd never admit it, he's got quite the ego.
Tatsuki is often the one reigning in his two idiot teammates. He doesn’t mind, he loves overworking himself and keeping busy, but just how stupid can two grown men be?


He owns a nightclub and works with the yakuza to keep his business running and keep competition at a minimum. The previous owner gave it to him shortly before their unexplained disappearance.
He joined ALTERxEGO (Zen's division), not only to humor this sad small man, but because it was yet another thing to add to his schedule. But just because he joined on a whim doesn’t mean he regrets it. 


Zen Okazaki (division leader, friend):

After lending Zen a sympathetic ear one night after-hours, Tatsuki just couldn't get this guy to leave him alone. Tatsuki, quite simply, thinks Zen is an idiot. The two are complete opposites: Tatsuki is a hard worker with his own business and seemingly endless motivation, while Zen flits between jobs, can't handle his money, and has absolutely no direction. Underneath their external, stark differences, Tatsuki actually recognizes that he and Zen are a lot more similar than he'd like to acknowledge. That relatability is why he ends up giving the annoying short man pity food and looking out for him, although he'd never admit it. Besides, he's entertaining... until the headaches start.

Shouto Inugami (division member, friend):

Inu is an absolute enigma to Tatsuki. "How has this man survived this long" is a reoccurring thought, most commonly after witnessing Inugami eating week old food he got for free from... somewhere. They met when he applied for a job at Tatsuki's club, and he had to witness Inu somehow fail every single task he was given. And ever since then he never went away, coming back to pester Tatsuki night after night, and once again Tatsuki has another broke adult to manage. He ends up buying Inu actual food and snacks often. The two of them argue way less than Tatsu and Zen, but sometimes Inu says things that completely baffle him and it leads to the worst conversations. Tatsuki admires his ability to play guitar... Inu could go far if he didn't get distracted by absolutely nothing.


His mic is a circa 1930s style cyan, white and cold microphone with ECLIPSE written across the top. His speakers are purple, blue and cyan  jukeboxes with neon bar signs floating around them.


His first name Tatsuki: 達 means "reach." 月 means "moon.".
His last name Ueno: a commonplace name meaning 'upper field’.


☆Uses "watashi" as his first person pronoun

☆Tatsuki has a cat named Yuki

☆Tatsuki is an only child, and very bad with kids

☆Tatsuki is referred to as "Ueno-san" by most, "Tatsuki/Tatsu" by friends, and "Tsuki" by his family

☆Tatsuki's character color is indigo.

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