General Galleo



Basic Info


Burrito Folk



Height / Weight:

6'7, Light

Body Type:

Thin and Tall


Around his late 20s





General Galleo is a 6'7 Burrito General and a expert gunslinger. Also very tall.

Galleo is a western styled gunslinger who excels at precise and powerful shots from his "Hand Cannon" Revolvers. He also has a lasso to wrap up foes for a easier shot if they're aggressive and/or fast such as Callie or Mist. He's also fairly tall making him able to reach farther and jump higher.

Galleo's Hair is Derby Cheese

Early Life:

Prior to getting transported to Cornutopia, Gabriel was bullied growing up, mainly due to his incredible height and practically nothing else. Somehow in his 20s he was able to land a job working for a military division that was working with teleportation around the time of the Cold War. While there he wasn't as bullied as much for being super tall since it had it's purpose in some ways but for actual combat he was never used due to the height making him a obvious target. When he, other soon-to-be Burrito Generals, and the rest of the division managed to get warped to Cornutopia by a accident and completely lose most of their memories, Galleo was able to prove himself. Now he's a revered as a expert gunslinger and a generally nice person.


  • General Dice, mainly in helping her with her stress.
  • General Pico as they're often a tag-team.


  • Mist and her friends at least when they're against them
  • General Joohn most of the time as he's pretty loud, but respects him as a valiant fighter.