


6 years, 9 months ago


Species: Human.

Age: 22

Gender: Cis Female.

Pronouns: She/Her.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Disorders: BPD and Schizophrenia. 

Occupation: Works part-time in retail and currently in college for a Psychology degree.

Homelife: ??? Lives in a dorm with Florus. The rest is currently undecided.

BIO: Charlotte is an energetic and playful young women who is very protective of her friends. She is compassionate and cares deeply for those around her. She is not afraid to tell off people who're being less than kind towards her or her friends. She's a bit clingy but also understands that people need their space. She doesn't have many friends but the ones she does have, she cherishes with her life. She also responds to the nickname "Lottie".

She  has abandonment issues and hates being alone. This stems from early childhood trauma where she got caught in a river on a camping trip and instead of helping her, her friends ran away to avoid responsibility [they weren't supposed to be out at the time]. She was thankfully saved by a staff member but it left her with extreme abandonment issues. For the most part, she mainly trusts her bestfriends, Florus and Eliot. This event occurred around the time she was 7 years old. 

Charlotte has hallucinations sometimes and can also see ghosts. Sometimes she gets confused about weather something is a hallucination or not but she is being medicated for this. The voices in her head are more prevalent and can cause delusions. Every once in a while, Florus will have to help her with this.

Some random facts: She's a human rights advocate, feminist,  and supports animal rights as well. She is also currently in therapy.