


2 years, 6 months ago



The Recluse

General Info




Neutral Good



40ft land /20ft climb


LARGE 10(0) 12(1) 12(1)
15 12(1) 20(5) 16(3)
Song - Artist

Gliese, as that is the name she would introduce herself as should you ask, is intially very reclusive. For good reason, considering what she is. She is used to suffering and hatred, judgement and scorn. Why try to put yourself out there if that is all you will get? She trusts little at first, and only interacts initially with others if it means her survival. You will find she has little to say to you, mostly to prevent her words being used against her.

And yet she will not turn her back on those that truly need her help. She will always do what is needed to protect herself first and foremost, but if that aligns with helping others than she will do so. This does not mean you are friends with her, she has long since given up on having friends of any sort. But perhaps allies are acceptable, as long as it is a means to her survival.

Stay thirty feet away and silent and maybe I can tolerate your presence.


What appears as a drow resting along the floor turns into quite a monsterous sight as she rises and sets her eyes on your form. She is no drow. Not anymore. No. This is a drider. A drow that displeased the matriarchial type society of the drow and was subsequently tortured into the form she now resides as. Such scars, you know, do not leave a being easily. It makes sense this being is a recluse. Far away from others that may judge or harm her further. By the scowl on her face it is clear she wants to keep it that way and is displeased with your entrance into her home. When you had entered the seemingly abandoned, large, cottage within the depths of the forest you had not expected this. She opens her mouth, warning you to leave or she will make you leave. Perhaps you should heed her advice.


[ Star Globe ] - A globe like weapon that has cards floating around it. Seemingly only usable by Gliese herself. It has a 35ft range, attack vs touch, and does 1d4 + WIS dmg.

[ Name ] - Description.

[ Name ] - Description.


[ Spidersilk Bodysuit ] - A silk bodysuit designed specifically by Gliese, in a gradient of purples. Light Armor. +3 AC.

Skills & Spells

Draw Card With a flourish Gliese pulls from the starglobe.

30 ft range. Level + Wis Mod uses. rd duration for each card = WIS Mod. Roll 1d6.

Arrow: +1 luck bonus to attack rolls.
Balance: +1 luck bonus to damage rolls. Not multiplied on a crit.
Bole: damage reduction of 1/- to the target.
Ewer: +1 luck bonus on saving throws.
Shield: +1 luck bonus to AC.
Spire: Fast Healing 2.

Royal Road The drawn cards begin to glow a mysterious hue.

After she uses the Draw ability, she may use a free action to convert that card into an empowerment for a future reading.This affects the next card used to empower an ally, from the Draw ability or Spread ability.

If the Balance / Bole card is drawn, effects are doubled.
If the Arrow / Shield card is drawn, duration is doubled.
If the Ewer / Spire card is drawn, allies in 20-ft.-radius receive it.

Name Flavor text here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Oracle Curse: A reclusive and paranoid nature that denies help.

Whenever you are in combat, your allies must succeed at a melee touch attack to affect you with touch spells, and you must attempt saving throws to resist all spells cast by anyone other than yourself, even those cast by allies. Instantaneous spells you cast only on yourself affect you as though your caster level were 1 higher.

At 5th level, spells cast only on yourself affect you as if they were modified by the Extend Spell feat.

At 10th level, you are immune to charm spells and spell-like abilities.

At 15th level, you gain spell resistance equal to 10 + your oracle level.


[ Astrolabe ] -As soon as you go to pick up this item and wield it, it vanishes in a shower of silver, gold, and purple sparkles. It appears this item was never meant for your hands.



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