


6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Mariam (Mar) Woe


fourth General


Lore wizard








- Mar lost her parents and home at the age of six. While she was taken in at a nearby monastery, she took to studying magic as she began to recover from shock instead of taking up the teachings of the monastery.

- Mar has studied magic since the age of seven, studying in particular magic related to fire and manipulation of the enemy (mental tricks, such as instilling fear or control over the enemy.) To this day, Mariam studies magic in the form of altering spells, altering their elements, their components, the specifications of their effects. She has an acute sense when it comes to the arcane, often able to pinpoint the type of magic, and the history behind it.

- in her younger adult years, Mar pursued the study of necromancy and entered the region of Sylvania, falling in with a group bound for the castle of the Vampire Sir Lance. Sir Lance was a well connected figure among the darker nobles of the region (a ring of Nobility held by primarily vampires and Liches), and Mariam was promised that if she made the journey with this group, she would be able to study Necromancy under the best sources.
-Talked into Sir Lances service, through the course of eleven years Mar was tricked into carrying the demonic debt of a teammate, assisted and performed multiple assassinations, was initiated as a cleric to the god of death and murder (Nerrull), and was brought into the rank of General to lead Sir Lance's army in mission to expand the borders of Sylvania, and to capture and kill the remaining human powers within its borders. in this time, she was allowed little time to study necromancy as she had intended, being forced to travel the region by her fellow teammates, each with their own dark motives. While Mariam soon regretted entering Sylvania at all, she was unable to escape, trapped by both the demonic debt of her companion and the threat of death if she were to attempt to run away.
- Mariam was one of four generals in the army of the vampire Sir Lance, specifically controlling the segment made up of Ghost, Specters, and Shades. in the wake of the missing general, she also held control of the segment made up of Skeletons, though this was passed off to another general in the Siege of Ormon. it was during this siege that Mariam also gained the vast burn scarring on her face and neck, and great damage to her sight.
- it was not long after the siege that Mariam found a mutual regret with a fellow teammate, freed Mariam from the demons debt, and fled the region of Sylvania. Towards the end of their journey together, Mariam agreed to help her companion find the graves of both he and his mother, and soon after parted ways after his final passing.

- after leaving Sylvania, Mariam took to travelling, and eventually settled near the site of her home town, taking up a home to focus on her study of magic. She spent the next few years recovering from her time in Sylvania, and keeping herself rather distanced from people as a whole. After her time as a cleric of Nerull, Mar took to studying the gods as well, to become aware of their cults, their followings, their domains, and any record of lore related to them.