


6 years, 7 months ago


Gender: Non-Binary

Sexuality: Asexual

Age: 20

Personality: Stuck up around others, especially those who don't look royal, is calm whenever she is serious on the fact of royalty, wishes to be king/queen sometime in their life.

Strengths: They are not easily brought down if someone tries to insult them, they are agile, can quicker than usual due to some occurance.

Weaknesses: They look down so much on others that they often underestimates them and does not know when to stop a "competition" of "Who's Better."

Salv was born with markings near both of their eyes, resembling that they might become the ruler of their nation when they grow older. Because of that, their parents trained them to be as royal as they possibly can and thus became spoiled about it and looks at others incorrectly. When it is the time when the gorgon snake like things choose who to be the next ruler of their nation, Salv doesn't have time for others to mess with them while they are serious as they want to rule their land.