Lilly Lequeta



6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Lilly Lequeta


Demon Mom, Crazy Lady


Tavern Owner (Tavern is also a brothel as well as an illegal Healing Sanctum)


Succubus (Constantly disguises as a human)


None (Appears Airelongan)






Over 10,000 years old (Looks to be in her late 20s or early 30s)

Sexual Orientation

Pansexual Polyamorus


Chaotic GoodSuccubus (Human Guise)Warlock/PaladinPact of the Blade/Oath of the Ancients







Relationships: Lilly is very open about both her sexuality and her willingness to enter into just about any sort of relationship. She's very protective over her employees and has likely had romantic relations with just about all of them at one point or another. However, she has a particularly close relationship with a specific employee named Yunrei Nauphis, a Teifling who later became a Cleric of Selune. She is also quite enamored by another Cleric by the name of Casual Friday, opting to trust him with her secret demonic nature. Casual Friday is one of three people to know what Lilly truly is, the other two being her adopted daughter Francis and her quasi-platonic partner Nana.

Personality: Lilly is a warm and loving sort of person who is quick to flirt with those she finds attractive and quick to act as a sort of mother figure to anyone that seems lost. She also has a bit of a temper if one was to do anything to harm those she loves... and she loves a lot of people. She is adept with all manners of infernal magic and would not hesitate to use her powers on anyone she sees as a threat. That said, she is also quite jealous of humanity as a whole, or more specifically, families and love. She loves children and desperately wants one of her own. However, being a Succubus means she is unfortunately sterile, so, she has instead adopted Francis, an orphan whom she found wandering an old forest... but we'll get to that later. All in all, Lilly is likely one of the most friendly people you will ever meet as long as you don't try to hurt her precious daughter and employees.

History: Lilly began life under the servitude of Queen Malconthet, a Demon Lord of the Abyss. Her only goal was to harvest Prana on the Material Plane and supply said Prana to Malconthet. A job she even enjoyed at first. She killed and slaughtered countless humans, elves, dwarves, halflings and gnomes and enjoyed it for nearly 3,000 years. However, on one particular visit to the Material Plane, she came across a mother and daughter tending to a bed of pure white Lilies. It was then that she began to see the purity of the Material Plane and just what she was; a monster. The blood of the mother and daughter spattered over the lilies only served to cement of change of heart. She began to hate herself and everything she stood for. She began to hate her Queen and she began to hate her home. She wanted to stop... however... her hunger was ever present and her bloodlust was nigh impossible to resist. She held on for as long as possible and nearly died of starvation until she met a young child in the forest by the name of Francis. For some inexplicable reason, as soon as Lilly laid eyes on this orphaned child... all her hunger and bloodlust almost vanished completely. As it turned out, Francis was a Druid and seemed to hold a certain restraining influence over Lilly's demonic tendencies, a gift from the gods. Adopting the name "Lilly" as a reminder of what she once was, Lilly adopted Francis and then later opened a tavern/brothel named the Devil's Desire where she could eat Prana without causing harm to her clients. She is now a well respected citizen of Sharnwick City with a huge employee count.