


2 years, 7 months ago




"Trust no one, because no one trusts you..."

Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Hira
    • Relationship Status Taken
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Storyteller
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Right handed
    • Age Twenty Two
    • Species Meteonova


    Tahirah is a Meteonova with tanned skin and large wings. These wings, which are wider than she is tall, are mostly red, with the top, smaller feathers being black. Four longer feathers hang down, falling to her feet. Tahirah has red eyes and black hair with red streaks. Often, she is seen wearing a crop top with a red collar, black chest and dark red band at the bottom, decorated in gold dangling charms which match the choker around her neck. She has red shorts and a belt with black tassels that dangle from it, making up a skirt which falls to her ankles. She also rarely wears shoes.


    • BUILD Athletic, fit
    • MENTAL ILLNESSES/DISABILITIES Post-traumatic stress disorder

    • FOOD Spiced food
    • COLOUR Deep red & bright orange
    • ANIMAL Phoenixes
    • SETTING The wide-open sky
    • WEATHER Clear, sunny skies with gentle breezes
    • DRINK Spiced tea
    • NUMBER Five
    • GENRE Action, Adventure
    • ACTIVITY Telling stories
    • TIME OF DAY Early morning


    • Flying
    • Telling entertaining stories
    • Exploring new places


    • Helplessness
    • Harsh storms
    • Violence & Dishonesty


    • Storytelling
    • Exploring new places
    • Soaring through the skies

    Tahirah embodies a vivacious and kind-hearted spirit that radiates positivity wherever she goes. Her storytelling nature, combined with her boundless enthusiasm for life, makes her a joy to be around. While her impulsiveness sometimes leads her into unexpected situations, it's her quick thinking and intuition that often help her find her way out. Tahirah's willingness to share her far-fetched tales, even if heavily embellished, reflects her desire to bring entertainment and wonder to the world, connecting with people through the magic of her words.


    • Powerful flyer
    • Lively, fun & Kind hearted
    • Good intuition and quick decision-maker


    • Emotional Trauma
    • Impulsive
    • Bad at Directions


    Tahirah dreams of journeying to uncharted territories, uncovering hidden wonders, and collecting extraordinary stories to add to her repertoire. As a storyteller, Tahirah seeks to inspire others with her words and to cherish the power of imagination, fostering a sense of wonder in the hearts of all she encounters.


    • Lightning & Thunder
    • Being trapped


    • Tends to exaggerate a lot
    • Often rushes into things without thinking them through


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Vivid, expressive & Enthusiastic
    • COMMON STARTER "Greetings, my friend! Have I got a tale for you!"
    • SWEARS? N/A
    • QUIRKS Tends to exaggerate a lot
  • Species

    [ Meteonova ] These creatures were once considered to be gods who lived in the skies above primal planets. They were able to control the weather itself, thanks to their large and powerful wings. These wings were so big in fact, that they limited their movements on the ground. Unable to walk or run properly, they would fly from place to place, whipping up storms and shifting the clouds from the gusts of wind their wings created. It is even believed that they had the power to cause tsunamis and start meteor showers. These ancient species are thought to have gone extinct on more advanced and civilised planets, but thrive on younger worlds. Meteonova are thought to be very competitive creatures, constantly challenging others in whatever they are best in. While they are known to have the disastrous ability to create storms with their wings, it is believed that evolution has shrunken their wings in time, thus slightly diminishing their incredible power.


    As a powerful Meteonova, Tahirah has the ability to control and manipulate the weather, including creating storms, and winds, and altering atmospheric conditions, just by flapping her powerful wings. She is also able to fly incredibly fast, unmatched in the air. While she would much rather travel and explore the world with her large wings, she also possesses the ability to create powerful storms, hurricanes, tornados and even tsunamis by flapping his enormous wings, making her quite a force to be reckoned with. They are her greatest weapon when in the air, despite being an obstacle while on land. Due to living on Aradia, Tahirah also possesses good survival instincts, which help her adapt to the changes in her environment.

  • History

    Tahirah was born in The Windy Mountains, a place that was long ago inhabited by her species. They had all since disappeared, however. This young Meteonova lived here with her older brother, their father dying from sickness years before her birth. As for her mother, she died not long after she was born, leaving her brother to take care of her. He had to raise her on his own, despite being barely old enough to even take care of himself. This cruel world seemed desperate to kill them, as the animals, people and weather were against them. They managed to survive, though, against all odds. Tahirah grew into a capable, strong woman and her brother always watched over her as her guardian, ready to protect her from anything that wanted to harm her. One day, however, a storm rolled in, hanging over the mountains they called home. Thunder rumbled and lightning struck. Tahirah and her brother were unfortunate enough to be caught in the middle of it. A bolt of lightning hit her brother and just like that, Tahirah was alone. For the rest of the stormy night, she sheltered in a dark cave, soaking wet and left with nothing. She was tired and cold, with no strength to even save herself from getting sick. Things looked hopeless for her, but in the early hours of the morning, after the rain had stopped and the sky cleared, another Meteonova showed up at the cave entrance. Their meeting was like fate as they were near extinct, and yet, one just happened to find her. His name was Tzviya and he was determined to save her. After that fateful day, Tahirah now travels with him. As a storyteller, she likes to visit places and spread far-fetched tales to the citizens of Aradia. Often, she gets these outlandish stories from her own experiences, yet greatly exaggerates everything that happened, just to make them more fun and interesting.


    Tahirah was born in The Windy Mountains. This place is one of the five elemental landmarks on Quiharo Island, remaining home to many of the flying types on Aradia. The Windy Mountains are the second tallest mountains on the planet next to the Colossal Peaks. They are also known for having the strongest wind currents, which is where it gets its name from. It’s perfect for those winged creatures when taking off, but provides difficulty when landing, even so, this is a common place for flying animals and people. If anything, the weather only strengthens them. Tahirah lived here with her older brother who had to care for her.

    Current Residence

    Nowadays, Tahirah leads the life of a traveller with her boyfriend, Tzviya. She is constantly on the move, adventuring from one place to the next. She has a desire to see many places and meet many different and interesting people. As a creature of the skies, she uses her massive wings to travel around, often stopping at mountain peaks or high places for a rest every now and again. This is how she wishes to live, telling amazing stories to those she meets on her travels.

  • Ancestry

    • Tahirah comes from a long line of Meteonova
    • Her ancestors were known for their incredibly large wings and amazing flying skills
    • They were once considered the gods of the sky, yet have since dwindled in numbers, becoming nothing more than a myth to the people of Aradia


    • Tahirah is extremely afraid of lightning after watching it kill her brother. Now, she tries to keep this fear a secret from everyone except her boyfriend
    • While there are truths hidden behind the stories she tells, she pretends it is all entirely fictional, changing places and names to protect others


    • Due to having such large wings, Tahirah is far better in the air than on land, as they tend to drag on the ground slightly when she walks
    • Tahirah is a storyteller. Though most of her tales stem from her real-life adventures, they are greatly exaggerated to the point of being nearly entirely fictional
    • Tzviya, her boyfriend, found her after a storm and saved her life. Now, the two travel together