


2 years, 7 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Rosa
    • Relationship Status Taken
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Craftswoman/Metalworker
    • Religion Etheralism
    • Handedness Right Handed
    • Age Twenty Seven
    • Species Weaver


    Rosalia is an Alloy Weaver with light brown hair that falls down to her thighs. Her eyes are orange-brown and she is often seen barefoot, wearing torn black trousers and a brown halter neck top, adorned with gold chains and a belt that goes across the torso. Wrapped around her left arm and waist are thin, ribbon-like strands of shiny copper.


    • BUILD Strong, athletic build

    • FOOD Roasted vegetables
    • COLOUR Earthy tones
    • ANIMAL Birds like falcons
    • SETTING Serene, quiet places
    • WEATHER Cool, crisp days
    • DRINK Fruit juice
    • NUMBER Two
    • GENRE Fantasy literature
    • ACTIVITY Crafting things
    • TIME OF DAY Early morning


    • Spending time with family
    • Creative endeavours
    • Sharing her knowledge/tutoring


    • Waste
    • Conflict
    • Feeling unproductive


    • Crafting things
    • Reading
    • Honing her skills/powers

    Rosalia embodies a warm and nurturing personality with a patient and comforting demeanour. She is a talented individual who holds a genuine desire to share her knowledge and creativity with others. Despite her resilient and determined nature, however, Rosalia grapples with the challenges of being overprotective and struggles to delegate tasks, showcasing her deep-rooted connection to her family and a hesitation towards change. She is known for being a devoted mother and craftswoman, finding solace in the quiet moments of creative expression.


    • Good Craftsmanship
    • Patient & comforting
    • Resilient & Determined


    • Overprotective
    • Difficulty Delegating
    • Struggles with change


    Rosalia's primary goal is to find a harmonious balance between her metalworking profession and the responsibilities of motherhood. Striving to be both a successful craftswoman and a nurturing parent, she envisions creating a fulfilling life for her partner, Zephyros, and their daughter, Kelsey. Rosalia aspires to further hone her skills in metal manipulation and craftsmanship, pushing the boundaries of her abilities. Additionally, she dreams of imparting her knowledge to Kelsey, just as she did for her younger siblings. The private art gallery within her home serves as a testament to her dedication to the craft, and she hopes to continue evolving as an artist while leaving a lasting legacy for future generations of Alloy Weavers.


    • Losing her family
    • Failure


    • Tends to somehow incorporate important lessons into trivial things
    • Maintains a journal to document her thoughts, ideas, and experiences


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Warm & nurturing
    • COMMON STARTER "Have you been working on any interesting projects lately?"
    • SWEARS? Never
    • QUIRKS Tends to somehow incorporate important lessons into trivial things
  • Species

    [ Weaver ] The Weaver is a being that is entirely indistinguishable from humans in terms of looks, yet they possess great abilities unlike any other. They come in a variety of different subspecies and can create things from nothing. A few can weave and control portals, whether that’s to other planets, previous or future times, or even other dimensions. Some can weave metals from thin air for their own purpose and others can create shadows with solid forms and some can even weave different fates and paths for themselves or others. These species are kind of rare. Not many have ever seen one, and if they have, then they probably didn’t realise it. They usually try to fit in with crowds, only showing their powers on the occasion and since they look and act just like humans most of the time, they blend in well and often go unnoticed.


    [ Alloy Weaver ] The Alloy Weaver is one of the weaker, but slightly more common subspecies of Weaver. Their abilities are limited to metal and mineral manipulation. They can control metal and pull particles of it out of other objects, weaving them together in order to make something else. This is their trademark, but some more talented ones are able to use reverse magnetism to achieve the power of flight. They can also manipulate the iron in their own body to act like an inner shield, making them more durable. These people tend to have strong personalities. They are often determined individuals with a love for showing off. Others see them for the strength they possess, as someone they can rely on in tough times.


    Rosalia is an Alloy Weaver with metal manipulation powers, able to not just control and shape metals as she pleases, but also create her own from nothingness, which usually looks like copper. She can bend these substances into whatever she pleases, sharp ribbon-like blades, other weapons, shields and other, larger objects. Rosalia is a physically strong person with a talent for crafting things, even when not working with metal. A unique skill of hers is the ability to pull metal particles out of other objects, allowing her to gather resources for her creations. This skill enhances her versatility by providing her with raw materials from the environment. On top of this, Rosalia is also a very talented fighter, able to take down creatures twice her size.

  • History

    Rosalia was born and raised in Crater Town. She lived here with her father and two younger siblings. As a child, she was always a very talented individual, excelling at using her Alloy Weaver powers from a young age. With so much skill, she even helped her brother and sister to maximise their potential, essentially taking time out of her day to tutor them due to their father always being busy. As the oldest sibling, she was practically a step-in mother, mature beyond her years and always willing to help. Growing up, this family remained incredibly close to one another and Rosalia feels proud to have watched her younger siblings become everything she knew they could be. She, however, had put her life on hold for far too long, just to take care of her brother and sister. After they both got jobs and left home, she found herself lost, not knowing what to do. Eventually, she chose to move on, to find the perfect job and help even more people. She became a metalworker, ideal for her weaver abilities and a craftswoman, where she would make things tailored to individuals' needs. Settling into this new environment was a huge step forward for her and provided a challenge, something that took her mind off the fact her siblings were all grown up and no longer needed her. After a few years at this job, Rosalia met a man, Zephyros. At first, he was just a customer, but soon he became a regular, someone she would see weekly. Weekly became daily and the two grew very close. Eventually, they became partners and even had a child together, a girl they named Kelsey. Nowadays, Rosalia finds herself juggling life between her job and being a mother, as she desperately tries to find time in the days for both. At least her partner, Zephyros, is supportive and helps out all he can.

    Birthplace/Current Residence

    Rosalia was born and raised in Crater Town. Crater Town is located to the right of the Serpents Tail and to the left of Lunar Rock Cave and Eden Lake. This place, as its name suggests, is within a large crater, which was created by a large sinkhole long ago. It had completely destroyed the original town, forcing some to leave their homes, while others stayed behind to rebuild, as they still saw promise in their town and refused to give up on it. This is how the place became what it is today. She lived here with her father and two younger siblings, working a job as a metalworker and craftswoman.

  • Ancestry

    • Rosalia comes from a long line of Alloy Weavers
    • Her ancestry has a history of skilled craftsmen and craftswomen, with each generation passing down their knowledge and expertise in various artistic and practical pursuits.
    • Her ancestors were well travelled, having explored much of Aradia, picking up many useful skills in the process


    • Rosalia keeps a journal, in which she writes her thoughts, ideas and experiences in. This information is usually kept private, though, so she prefers for people to not look through it
    • Tucked away in a corner of her home, Rosalia has a small box filled with sentimental items, such as letters, drawings from her younger siblings, and a piece of jewellery passed down from her grandmother


    • As an Alloy Weaver, Rosalia can control, bend and create metals from nothingness. Typically, though, the metal she weaves appears to be copper-like in appearance
    • Growing up as the oldest child, Rosalia often helped tutor her younger siblings, which was something she quite enjoyed. Now, she hopes to teach her little girl as well
    • Rosalia has a private art gallery within her home, showcasing her evolving portfolio over the years. This gallery serves as a visual timeline of her growth as an artist and a testament to her dedication to the craft.