


2 years, 7 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Kara
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Pole Dancer
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Right Handed
    • Age One hundred and thirteen
    • Species Demon


    Karaline is a Succubus with red skin and unique dragon-like features. She has two pairs of curved, ram-like horns, pointed elf-like ears and a long tail with black spikes trailing down the back. The tip ends in an arrowhead shape and the underside is also black. Her black hair is shoulder length, with the fringe being swept to the left side. Her eyes are yellow with silver irises and slit, cat-like pupils. Often, she is dressed in what appears to be studded leather undergarments with harness straps that cross over her chest and shoulders. She also has forearm-length gloves and calf-length boots which are fluffy on the inside and at the top, three straps going down the sides. Belt straps are around her upper legs and she often has a black choker around her neck.


    • BUILD Lean and toned physique
    • SMOKES/DRUGS Alcohol

    • FOOD Spicy chicken wings
    • COLOUR Deep red
    • ANIMAL Black Panthers
    • SETTING Dimly lit, atmospheric nightclubs
    • WEATHER A cool and breezy night
    • DRINK Whiskey
    • NUMBER Nine
    • GENRE Dark fantasy novels
    • ACTIVITY Enjoying some alone time
    • TIME OF DAY Midnight


    • Her freedom
    • Entertaining
    • Getting some alone time


    • Her parents
    • Being used/abused
    • Bills


    • Dancing
    • Combat training
    • Learning various instruments

    Karaline is a Succubus who possesses a resilient and adaptable nature, forged by her challenging life of debt and deceit. She is courageous and creative, able to face adversity with a brave heart and find inspiration even in the darkest of circumstances. Despite her introverted and antisocial tendencies, she maintains calm on the outside, often concealing her true feelings behind sarcasm or cryptic remarks. Karaline's guarded exterior hides a deep well of emotions and a longing for the freedom she cherishes. She finds solace in her hobbies like dancing and music. Her main passion is actually learning various instruments, despite being terrible at every one of them. The main thing for her is that she has fun doing it, no matter how bad she may be.


    • Resilient & Adaptable
    • Courageous/Brave
    • Creative & Observational


    • Quick to settle/give in
    • Suppressed abilities
    • Antisocial


    Karaline has no real goals or aspirations in life. She just lives day by day, taking whatever is thrown her way. While she may seem comfortable and content with her lifestyle now, she does wish things to be different. She hates having such limited freedom, so despite not actively trying to escape, she does wish for freedom. She has a desire to one day escape. The main thing holding her back is her fear of returning to a life where she is barely able to afford basic things like food and power. Aside from this, she also hopes to one day be free from her parents, although she is unsure if the day will ever come as they always show up when she least expects it.


    • Her parents showing up again
    • Losing the limited freedom she has


    • Tends to keep to herself
    • Often gives into other people's demands


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Calm and measured
    • SWEARS? Rarely
    • QUIRKS Can be sarcastic when faced with uncomfortable topics
  • Species

    [ Demon ] Demons and Angels are one of the few species that are similar, and yet, completely different. These species have eternal life, gaining much knowledge as time goes by. At some point during the early stages of their long life, they stop ageing entirely, therefore, some look old and others, young. Demons are born from the darkness and vary vastly in strength, looks, and abilities, but they do have some things in common. They are all slow healers compared to Angels and aren’t as quick, but they are still quicker than humans. They are also super strong. Demons are categorized into two types. There are the ones who are created without a body, possessing people just to survive, and then there are the ones born with physical forms. Some demons in either group can shapeshift and morph, but most are simply crowned with horns and have claws for fingernails. Most also control the darkness, like Angels, control the light. Both Demons and Angels have weaknesses, whether that is a drawback of their abilities, or simply not liking something to the point it gets in the way. This species is known for having the desire to cause destruction, but the truth of the matter is, while they may seem like creatures who only wish for chaos, what they do usually depends on their leader. Only a few go solo without a leader. These kinds of Demons don’t rely on anyone and often do their own thing, hiding out in places where few ever go. This doesn’t mean they don’t cause trouble, however. Since the world is unaccepting of demons, they are unaccepting of the world, that is how they see it. Due to the belief that they are naturally bad, their destructive behaviour is brought about by the image people had created for them. Angels are their only true enemy. They always interfere with the plans of the Demons, which causes conflict between the two regularly. They absolutely despise one another by nature.


    [ Incubi/Succubi ] A Succubi is a female demon, known to be incredibly seductive. Their whole image is based around this, with how they look, dress and even act. They tend to seduce men, either for their own pleasure, or to get stronger. If they want, they can drain away the very lifeforce of those they desire. The male equivalent of a Succubi is called an Incubi, and unlike most other demons, these ones are often born with physical bodies.


    Karaline is a Succubus with basic demon abilities, able to possess others with a glance. She is a slow healer but incredibly strong with inhuman reflexes, despite not draining the life force of men. This does, however, tend to make her more tired and less powerful than other Succubi. One trait her kind is known for is their natural ability to attract men. Karaline is no different. As a Succubus, her main ability is being able to drain the life force of others through sex, even though most of her powers have been neutralised so she does not harm people.

  • History

    Karaline was born in Trevantus City, although she grew up here alone from the moment she could fend for herself. Her parents were too caught up in their own lives to care about their young daughter. They were always off doing something else with someone else. Karaline did not care though, she preferred having nothing to do with them as trouble always seemed not far behind them. Living her reasonably peaceful life alone suited her perfectly fine. The only time her parents ever showed up was when they wanted something from her. This may not have been often, but it always came with a hefty price that Karaline had to pay each and every time. After a while, she got sick of it and told them she never wanted to see them again, even if they were dying. After that, she had not heard anything from them for thirteen years. It was for the best, as Karaline’s parents were toxic and always brought her down. One day, however, people showed up at her doorstep. They kidnapped her and took her to their underground facility, where she was chained up and forced to do anything they told her to. Her parents had actually sold her to these people as a slave. It was not too bad though. After a couple of years, Karaline had grown more comfortable. She had a place to stay, got fed and did not have to worry about all the bills she would otherwise have to pay back at home. They did not treat her poorly either, just a little bossy. The better of a performance she put on, the better rewards she received. Her job for them was basically to entertain the audience each night, as a pole dancer, which was something she was really good at. This is her current life and while she hates having her abilities suppressed by their technology, she is reasonably comfortable. At least she does not have to pay a bill ever again.

    Birthplace/Current Residence

    Karaline was born in Trevantus City. This is a unique city, once known as the second largest city in all of Calizen, but that was before Kaitore City was destroyed. This place consists of just a few Elementals, mainly housing other species instead, which is what makes it so different from most cities and towns on the planet. It is ever expanding, destroying Skarmark Forest in the process, just to make more room for buildings. Being an overpopulated place, this city is overrun with gangs and homeless people. There are often street fights, among other things, as not all the different species get along with one another, yet despite the dangerous lifestyle, some are able to live safely, so long as they don’t go looking for trouble. She had lived here her whole life alone after her parents disappeared from her life. Now, she spends all of her time in an illegal underground facility as a slave to men.

  • Ancestry

    • Karaline comes from a long line of powerful Succubi
    • Her ancestors were originally from the underworld, but her great-grandparents had decided to move to Calizen, as it provided them plenty of opportunities to get food and energy
    • Her great-grandparents were popular courtesans before they were killed


    • Karaline is a naturally secretive person, so she often keeps things like her past a secret from those around her
    • While her parents often wanted things from her, she was also struggling to keep herself afloat before ending up in captivity. She kept her hardships to herself though, refusing to ask for help as she felt no one would even listen


    • As a Succubus, Karaline is expected to keep her strength up through sex, but as her powers are suppressed by technology, she just takes energy from performing in front of others
    • Her parents sold her out to an underground organisation as a way to pay their own debt, which Karaline refused to bail them out of
    • Karaline may hate being held captive and having such little freedom, but she stays anyway, mostly because she does not have to worry about bills, food or keeping her house