Rubie Sparks



2 years, 7 months ago



Rubie Sparks

"Embrace your individuality."

Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title N/A
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Dancer
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Ambidextrous
    • Age Twenty Three
    • Species Dragon


    Rubie is a beautiful young dragon with vibrant pink hair. It flows down to her hips in luscious curls. Her eyes are a stunning pink and a pair of small red horns protrude from the top of her head. She also has fluffy, pastel pink ears, which have white, heart-shaped markings. In her hair, she has two pom poms on either side of her head, with red tassels hanging from them. Often, she wears a red, knee-high dress, red hearts decorating the lower half. It has a halter neck and two gold bands going in a criss cross fashion around her waist. The sides have splits, starting just below her hips and on her feet, she tends to have plain red flats. Wrapping over her shoulders and around her arms, she has a black, fluffy boa. Coming out from under her dress, she has a long oriental dragon tail. It is pink and smooth, with a fluffy end.


    • BUILD Curvy, hourglass figure

    • FOOD Cottage/Shepard’s pie
    • COLOUR Pink and black
    • ANIMAL Gazelle
    • SETTING Under the spotlight on stage
    • WEATHER Sunny, cloudless, mildly warm days
    • DRINK Tomato juice
    • NUMBER Sixty Three
    • GENRE Romance, shows with deep meaning
    • ACTIVITY Dancing
    • TIME OF DAY Midafternoon


    • Equality
    • Respect
    • Looking her best


    • Judgemental people
    • Being alone
    • Mud


    • Dancing
    • Singing, but only to herself
    • Giving motivational speeches

    Rubie is a young dragon who takes great pride in her appearance. She comes across as rather sassy, but that’s all apart of her charm. She likes to make sure she looks good before leaving each day and expects those around her to dress respectable as well. She is the type of person who does not care what other people think. The most important thing to her is how she feels about herself. She is known to always look out for others and is a kind and open minded individual. As a dragon, Rubie has faced many hardships, but she never lets anything bring her down and works towards people respecting her no matter her race or gender.


    • Confident and uplifting
    • Open minded
    • Strong willed and driven


    • Takes too long getting ready for things
    • Can come across as being cocky
    • Heights


    While all her parents wanted to do was blend in, Rubie wanted the exact opposite. She just wished to get out there and be herself, rather than hiding away what made her unique. This is precisely why she chose to leave her home and family behind. Now, she aspires to show the world how proud she is to be a dragon, and motivate people to embrace who they are as well, without worrying about what others think.


    • Messing up on stage
    • Everyone hating her
    • Heights


    • Taking too long to get ready
    • Skips and twirls when walking
    • Cannot help but stop and smell the roses


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Motivational and uplifting
    • COMMON STARTER “Why, hello there.”
    • SWEARS? N/A
    • QUIRKS Takes a moment before replying to people, to gather her thoughts
  • Species

    [ Dragon ] There are several variations of Dragons across the universe. On many planets, this species are few in numbers, but some, they populate and thrive. On some worlds, these mighty beasts come in many different kinds. There are ones that can grow to be larger than houses with armour like scales and powerful wings. Their usual meal consists of deer or even animals of a bigger size. The smaller varieties often prefer gemstones. There tiniest of them all are the few that rather eat bugs. The rarest kinds have the ability to change their form into that of a human. Most dragons are similar to that of a lizard, but they have strong scales and large wings, able to fly very long distances and battle the strongest of winds. The female are usually larger in size and are tasked with bringing home food, while the males often babysit the young ones. The babies stay with their parents until they are old enough to take on the skies. Most Dragons have the power of the elements, being able to breathe fire or ice to some degree. There is a few out there that also have a more unique ability that is all their own. It is said that the blood of a Dragon has magical properties, making it a rare item in the black market. Supposedly, if it is used right, it could make humans live as long as they do. They can live to be thousands of years old because they age much slower than people.


    [ Draconic Hybrid ] The Draconic Hybrid is one of the rarest dragon types, so rare in fact, they were once thought of as nothing but a mere myth. They appear mostly human, yet always symbolise a dragon in some shape or form. Some can shapeshift into dragons, while others have some sort of reptile/dragon features. These species of dragon cannot live in the ocean and are only able to fly if they have wings or a dragon form. Most of the time, however, they remain grounded. The Draconic Hybrid has a mixed diet. While they eat fruit and vegetables, they also eat human food and sometimes even raw meat. This depends on the breed, however.


    Rubie is a rare breed of dragon. She has the ability to change her form into the shape of a humanoid creature with unique eyes, ears and tail. Because of what she is, she can speak and understand the language of dragons. She also has a lot of knowledge, of the past and everything else around her due to her long lifespan. She is incredibly strong but also graceful. Her abilities consist of psychic related magic. She can move things or create walls of pink energy, which is often used as a shield, sometimes even as stairs or a bridge if she needs to go somewhere. She can also read peoples minds, but rarely has a need to use this ability. While she may specialise in psychic magic, she also possesses the ability to connect with peoples hearts and know what they are feeling inside.

  • History

    Rubie used to live on WindWaker Island in the Typhoon Nation. She resided here with her parents, a couple who tried their hardest to fit into a society who did not accept them. Often, they would pretend to be something they were not, disguising themselves and lying about their own race. They knew the ill fate most dragons met when they were discovered and refused to let that happen to their family. Rubie grew up in this environment, despising the idea of having to hide what she was to. She just wanted to be herself, but that was dangerous, especially in this world where only Elemental’s fit in. Once she was old enough, Rubie chose to leave against her parents wishes. She knew there was somewhere she could fit in, a place where multiple species lived in harmony, or at least close to it. She chose to move to The Unified Nation, but it was not remotely what she thought it was. A lot of people still resented one another. She was safer than in the Typhoon Nation, but people still would not fully accept her. Despite this, she still made a daily attempt to make some friends in this foreign place. Her source of income was street performing, as she was a born dancer. She loved to dance, but at first was not very successful. Eventually, however, someone took notice of her, a unique individual who could see things no one else could. He was different, someone who did not fit into society, much like her. He and a few others wanted to start a band and offered her a place among their group. Happily, she accepted. She was a talented dancer who also happened to be great with special effects, so after she joined their band, they were set to go live. They performed their first real show and while it was a bit of a slow start, they started getting noticed. They named their band Terra Volta and became one of the most popular rock bands on Calizen. One day, their drummer, Vincent, died in a terrible car crash on his way to one of their practice sessions, so the band disappeared from the stage for a number of years. Eventually, they decided to recruit a new member and get back to doing what they love. Their new drummer, Ryilan, was a bit on the young side, at only thirteen years old, but he was extremely talented so they decided to let him join the band. Now, they continue to spread their love of music and play for their fans. Currently, Rubie is still performing for millions with the friends she made, while living under Olex’s roof.


    Rubie used to live in the Typhoon Nation, residing on WindWaker Island in Polar Town. This place is a small, lesser known town that is run mostly by air Elementals. The people here are strong believers in peace, and every year, they host a festival, where they open their doors to all, including other elementals and species, inviting them to their town with no discrimination, for fun and a feast. They have seen how bad the rest of the world can be, and hope that by doing so, they can erase this division their kind seems to have. Rubie lived here with her parents as an only child, as a dragon family trying to blend in, pretending to be something they were not.

    Current Residence

    After leaving her home and family, Rubie moved to the Unified Nation and now resides in Trevantus City on Novacore. This is a unique city, once known as the second largest city in all of Calizen, but that was before Kaitore City was destroyed. This place consists of just a few Elementals, mainly housing other species instead, which is what makes it so different from most cities and towns on the planet. It is ever expanding, destroying Skarmark Forest in the process, just to make more room for buildings. Being an overpopulated place, this city is overrun with gangs and homeless people. There are often street fights, among other things, as not all the different species get along with one another, yet despite the dangerous lifestyle, some are able to live safely, so long as they do not go looking for trouble. Rubie is flat mates with Olex, living in his house as she does not yet have the money to afford a place of her own.

  • Ancestry

    • Rubie’s ancestors were graceful, prideful dragons who were believed to spread good luck to others
    • They used to travel around a lot
    • One day, hunters killed most of them off, so those who survived now try to blend into society


    • Afraid of heights
    • Likes Olex, but knows Llena does too
    • Rubie is actually quite insecure deep down, but hides it beneath her show of confidence


    • Rubie is a Valentines Dragon and while she specialised in psychic magic, she also possesses the ability to connect with peoples hearts and know what they are feeling inside
    • Rubie is a part of a band called Terra Volta, which they came up as a way of saying they will rock the world with their electrifying show
    • In the band, Rubie is the dancer, Olex is the lead male singer and guitarist, Llena is the pianist, Ryilan is the drummer, Maive is the bassist, and Akaisha is the lead singer and back up instrumentalist