🩸B E L I A L🩸



2 years, 7 months ago


🩸Temp bio rewriting later!🩸

(I dont have a lot of information on him, hes still a heavy wip.)

Belial is extremely silly and takes almost nothing seriously, cracking jokes at innapropriate times or bothering others just for the fun of it. Despite this hes extremely friendly, to a fault, often extending his friendship to those he absolutely should not, and seeing the good in people he should not. He often gets hurt/robbed and other such things from his over eagerness to be buddy-buddy with everyone. However he seems to exhibit extreme luck and manages to always get back on his feet fairly quickly.

Belial mostly wanders around trying to fit in places and meet more people and make more allies, he somewhat lacks a true objective. His heavy facial scarring comes from attempting to make friends with a mag agent, who didnt take kindly to the incessant annoyance and attacked him severely wounding his face, he is completely blind on the wounded side of his face (Obviously.) But doesnt seem to let it get him down at all. 

Associated with Dion (?)

🩸Extra info🩸
Height : 5'9
Pronouns : He/Him
Age : 23-24