


2 years, 7 months ago



Last one across the meadow has to catch everyone dinner!

Name Rentorar

Nickname(s) Ren

Gender Female

Sexuality Grey-ace

Age 18

Height 19'

Birthday June 12th

Species Trico

A tomboyish, friendly Trico who has trouble sitting still for too long. Very humorous, determined, optimistic, adaptable, and caring. Down for a race anytime and likes competition, yet doesn’t take it too seriously and is a good sport. Ren loves to discover new things and is mesmerized by clouds. She also likes to make others happy even at the expense of herself. Has some insomnia and a bad habit of pushing negative feelings away until they swamp her


  • Running
  • Animals
  • Clouds
  • Exploring
  • Napping in the sun


  • Silence
  • Boredom
  • Pessimists
  • The Master of the Valley


  • Excellent Sprinter
  • Swag eyesight
  • Tail lightning
  • Good at hunting in open spaces
  • Decent physical strength but cant fight very well


  • She my mascot child :)
  • Yes-shes based off a king cheetah
  • Her scar continues under her shoulder but its almost never shown

Theme Songs

  • OK Overture - AJR


Its a perfectly normal day in a perfectly normal highland when something not so perfectly normal happens. There are suddenly bodies where just hours before Ren had been practicing her sprints. It feels like it should not be allowed to happen, but it did anyway.

Now here she is, running for her life in her own families territory, being chased by a THING. It was hard to look at, but she could tell it wanted her dead. Ren was utterly confused. This was not allowed to happen on a day like this. Murder demons did not just spring up on drowsy, sunny afternoons.

Suddenly it was in front of her. All teeth and claws. There was no form to it, only intention. The teeth and claws intended to tear her apart. She attempted to swerve around it but it swiftly struck her shoulder like a snake, pinning her against the ground. Blackness swallowed her vision

She awoke in a cold place. Strange metal bits clinked around her body. Armor. A voice spoke in her head. It commanded her to do its nasty biding. She had no choice but to oblige. It was a Master after all, and the Master so hated traitors (or atleast their kin would suffice to fulfill it’s anger when said traitors were apparently dead.

The years flew past. The Masters anger had subdued and it did not keep Ren on as tight of a leash as it used to. One day it ordered her to go out and claim prey in a village far from the nest. On her way out there Ren encountered a strange pair of Tricos. The Master had never seen kinds like them before so it ordered her to take them hostage so it could force its mind control upon them. However, it did not foresee one of the Tricos having a strange power. The fight was messy but did not last long. A well placed blow broke one of Ren’s horns, thus ending the Masters mind control.

These two Tricos were Spade and Gekido. After recovering, Ren decides to travel with them. She is unable to recall her life prior to the Nest and hopes to rediscover it while traveling with her new friends.


  • Mavis - Mother
  • Atticus - Father


  • Spade - Friend
  • Gekido - Friend
  • Menderion - Enemy

html by Euna