

Dont worry, im not stayin' long

Name Spade

Nickname(s) N/A

Gender Male

Sexuality Homosexual

Age 20

Height 20'6"

Birthday Oct 8th

Species Wyvern Trico

That one chill friend that is cool with everyone but nobody really knows much about. Spade is charming, clever, intuitive, patient, and sneaky. The voice of reason and sometimes devil’s advocate. He’s secretive in the way that he prefers to talk about other people then himself. Not afraid to get into a scuffle but will 99% of the time smooth talk his way out of one. Oddly enough he struggles with making true connections to others.


  • Night
  • Puzzles
  • Observing
  • Annoying Gekido
  • The smell of ginger


  • Mud
  • Rules
  • GaleWings (usually)
  • Being the center of attention
  • Staying in one place for too long


  • Agile flyer
  • Good memory
  • Quick and experinced fighter
  • Excellent at hunting/stalking
  • Not very strong but good at using his size to his advantage


  • Spade and Clover are fraternal twins

Theme Songs

  • Automobile - KALEO
  • Carlo's Song - Noah Kahan
  • Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day


Twins were odd things. They are one in the same, yet entirely separate. Like two halves that, when turned at the right angle, appear whole. No one could ever tell what is missing unless both halves are present. If you’ve never seen purple, then red and blue were fine colors on their own.

Spade and Clover were like this, but there was never someone there to witness their kinship. Alone for as long as they could remember, the twins clung even more dearly to each other. They learned to hunt when they got to hungry, steal when food was scarce, and fight when they got caught. Without the other, neither would’ve been able to survive.

Things got easier with time and the two grew up to be quite the harbingers of mischief. Nobody ever tried to steal their food now, or get into a brawl over a good sleeping spot. Clover was an excellent fighter with the scars the prove it and Spade a brilliant mind with a silver tongue sharper then the blades along his back.

They moved around fairly often too. There was always so much more to see, so much more to do. It was Spades dream to see if the edge of the world actually existed. While moving they often got caught up with the locals too. Some bad some good. There was one though that trumped them all.

A bit of well deserved foolery on a particularly snotty GaleWing flock. A brilliant heist that would in fact, be told for all of time. Of course these things always sound agreeable until something goes wrong in the middle of it, and something went oh so very wrong indeed…

Clover died.

During their escape down the mountain, there came a moment when Spades life was in danger. His own fault of course, but something had felt off all night. The GaleWings too dark and angry, the moon slightly too bright, the blood trickling from their wounds a little too sharp. Clover did not hesitate with her actions. She defended him fearlessly and ordered him to leave her behind. Spade refused of course, so she knocked him off the cliff side into a river below and took on the GaleWings herself. The impact of hitting the freezing river, along with his injuries and noticeable blood loss, knocked Spade out. The current quickly whisked his dark body away while luck kept him afloat.

He awoke in a dreary hollow near the base of the mountain, clear out of GaleWing territory. Someone had dragged his unconscious body from the river. However, Spade could not find anyone around. The only thing that was out of the ordinary was a fresh pile of dirt on a rise near the bank. A grave. A few round river stones were laid out in a unfamiliar pattern with a pale grey feather in the middle. Clovers feather.

After a period of numb grief, Spade decided he would climb back up the mountain and take revenge. Along the way he stopped at the spot Clover had saved him. How terrible it was to stand there…Suddenly something came crashing through the undergrowth at him. A GaleWing. A pack of ridiculously large wolves snapped at its heels.

Spade watched coldly at first, but noticed after a few moments that the GaleWing was acting strange. Upon closer inspection Spade realized that the creature was blind and had several broken wings. Another moment. Another decision. So much blood in the ground already…

He would not allow someone else to die on this wretched cliff side.

This GaleWing was Gekido, and after dragging his story from him while tending to the snappy Tricos injuries Spade realized that he was also a victim of the GaleWing tribes. Religious tradition had no place in Spades mind, so this unfairness only made him angrier. He kept it buried though. Now was not the time.

Spade and Gekido now travel together, searching for a way to get revenge on the GaleWing tribes. While Spade may have originally stayed with him so that he could use Gekido for selfish gain, he is ever curious and drawn to the grumpy GaleWing. They were friends now, and with the addition of Ren to their little party after several weeks, they were more invested in each other then any of them dare admit.


  • Unknown - Mother
  • Unknown - Father
  • Clover - Sibling


  • Gekido - Friend/Crush
  • Rentorar - Friend
  • Menderion - Enemy

html by Euna