


2 years, 7 months ago



Call me old again and ill pluck you like a chicken

Name Roanoke

Nickname(s) Roan, The Witch

Gender Female

Sexuality Demisexual

Age 45-50

Height 24'

Birthday September 19th

Species DarkRunner

Roanoke often comes off as creepy, intimidating, or grumpy but that’s just what happens when you live by yourself and practice witchcraft in the woods. She’s way more caring then she lets on and (usually) means no harm. Has a strange habit of calling people by weird names and muttering to herself. Is definitely not used to company and will purposely be uncooperative to make others go away. She is not however, a scoundrel, and will help others when they need it…for a small fee.


  • Birds
  • Fall
  • Oddities
  • Herbs/spices
  • Being alone


  • Ice
  • Cold water
  • People (in general)
  • The weather
  • Optimists


  • Gets tired easily
  • Good hearing
  • Excellent judge of character
  • Can exhale smoke and cough up embers


  • She likes to stick leaves, feathers and really anything that catches her eye in her feathers

Theme Songs

  • The Angry River - The Hat


Roughly 30 years ago, Roanoke lost her fire. It had been a cold day on an even colder lake; the surface frozen solid for miles. Perfect for winter fun. Unfortunately, the ice was not so solid in some parts, and Warbler fell in. Roanoke, being the daring and loyal sister she was, dove in after her. Only one DarkRunner surfaced. The other was presumed dead.

Roanoke is not quite sure what prevented her from pulling herself from the frigid water that day. Perhaps it was her sisters weight as she propelled them towards the surface, or the knowledge that the flickering pain in her chest was her fire extinguishing. Maybe, it was something she is not ready to admit to herself yet…

Whatever it was convinced Roanoke to not return to her pack. Something had shifted within her. There was something she needed to do, or someone she needed to save. The sense of something more weighed on her heavily, and she busied herself by learning to heal and curse.

Apparently living in a crooked hollow half way up a mountain eventually draws attention though, and many young DarkRunners find themselves peer pressured into tests of bravery that require them to climb said mountain to find “The Witch”. None are successful, but some return with stories of a great hulking beast that spits shadows and roars like a angry dragon.

For someone who supposedly finds these myths annoying, Roanoke sure does seem to enjoy mildly terrorizing these poor creatures a lot. Maybe her bigger purpose is to be the scary witch in the woods? She would be okay with tha.


  • Autumn - Mother
  • Rook - Father
  • Warbler - Sibling


  • Star - Friend
  • Lebowski - Friend

html by Euna